Weitere details

Titel: Toxic Femininity in the Workplace
Zustand: New
Subtitle: Office Gender Politics Are a Battlefield
Autor: Ginny Hogan
Produktart: Gebundene Ausgabe
ISBN-10: 0062881221
EAN: 9780062881229
ISBN: 9780062881229
Verlag: HarperCollins
Genre: Business & Finance
Thematik: Society & Culture, Gender Sex & Relationships, Humour & Joke Books
Release date: 17/10/2019

If there’s one thing we can agree on in a post-Trump America, it’s that sexism exists. While there are myriad books on female friendship in the marketplace, Toxic Femininity is the first book on the special relationship between female coworkers and gender dynamics in the workplace to hit the market in a comedic gifty way.

Talented humorist Ginny Hogan explores themes of sexism, workplace gender dynamics, and the challenges facing women at work (particularly in STEM fields) with disarming wit. Toxic Femininity includes fun short pieces (such as, “I'm Not A Sexist; I Also Ask My Male Colleagues If They’re Menstruating” and “How Silicon Valley Created The Perfect Meritocracy If You Specifically Happen To Be A Young, Straight, Well-Educated White Man”), true-false and multiple choice quizzes (including: “Are You Too Aggressive, or "Are You Politely Stating Your Opinion?” and Are You a True Feminist, a Male Feminist, a Feminist Just to Get Laid, or a Loaf of Bread?”),  and even some surrealist essays (such as “A Woman From The Year 3018 Visits a Tech Startup” and  “The Noise-Canceling Headphone’s Lament”). Toxic Femininity is a book that can be enjoyed in little sips or in one long drink.

The variety of the pieces and the illustrations make a lovely and gifty package—this product is perfect for a mentor encouraging her mentees, a big sister preparing her little sister for the work place, or shoring up your best friend after a rough day.

A conversation piece as much as a gift, the humorous nature of the work makes it possible to face topics that can be difficult to tackle head on; and we hope that this book will be able to serve not just as a gift but as a jumping off point for those hard-to have conversations that are a part of every work place environment.

Sprache: Englisch
Herstellungsland und -region: US
Höhe: 184mm
Länge: 152mm
Gewicht: 346g

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