Parfum-Luxe is back!!!! With authentic blades!


100% original

100% authentique 


500 Double Razor Blade RARE Sharp Edge Replacement Old .


Condition: New

For many users, these razor blades are considered the BEST IN THE WORLD. They have the enormous advantage of combining exceptional sharpness, extreme softness and remarkable longevity. Manufactured in St Petersburg (Russia) by Procter & Gamble they have only one drawback, their rarity. Indeed, it is very difficult to obtain them. On forums dedicated to the world of shaving, these blades are unanimous. Choose the best for your face.


Product in STOCK

100% original

100% authentic

100% brand new

Quick delivery From Paris. France!

You will receive: 50 pack of 10 WIZAMET SUPER IRIDIUM (as pictured) total = 500 blades.

Actual image in the description phot