It's quite simply the best we could find , packed with the highest content of minerals, vitamins & flavanoids ,guarenteeing the maxium health benefits of this wonderful superfood and the best thing is it tastes truely AMAZING too!
We can no wait for you to try our enlightening , mood lifting , heart opening 100%
Raw Pure Organic Cacao.


Our cacao is crafted from the finest Peruvian Criollo bean, ethically sourced
and grown sustainably in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon.
The best chocolate in the world is made from Peruvian Criollo cacao beans.
This is the most popular cacao in Peru (and globally).
Nicknamed the King of Cacao, these beans contain a high-fat content and finer quality of taste and aroma.

This is a rarer bean and accounts for only five percent of cacao production worldwide.
The soil and climate of the Peruvian Amazon is ideal for the cultivation of cacao.
Our cacao beans are hand selected from mature heirloom Criollo trees that are harvested on small family farms in the Amazon Rainforest.

100% Theobroma, raw, organic, vegan & gluten free retaining for more nutrients,
vitamins & minerals than beans that have been roasted or alkalized using the Dutch process.
Fermented, lightly roasted then made into cacao paste/liquor.


It's full of fiber and protein, which support digestion and build muscle, respectively, booming with antioxidants,trace minerals like potassium and magnesium, which support neurological and metabolic function.
It's mood-enhancing properties, thanks to its theobromine and phenylethylamine content,which can boost mood and increase energy levels almost instantly.

Great for creative flow, opens your mind up to wisdom and creativity both mentally and spiritually.
Brings you in touch with your senses , works as a tool to help you align your intentions and set goals.
Opens your heart and makes you feel more connected and grounded to the present.

Cacao has one of the highest planet based sources of Magnesium,that our brain needs to function well.
Also higher Calcium levels than Cow's milk , packed with Iron and Chromium helping stabilize blood sugar levels.

Cacao is a natural aphrodisiac, helps boost your immune system, can prevent premature aging , reduces cholesterol , promotes vibrant healthy skin and teeth , increases DMT in the brain, aids muscle growth , contains cancer protective properties, lowers blood pressure , removes toxins , lowers risk for developing Alzheimer's disease and decreases risk of a stroke.
Works as a natural anti depressant, reduces the risk of diabetes by stabilizing blood sugars, opens up blood vessels and pumps more blood to the lungs working as a anti inflammatory helping airflow.

Theobromine in the cacao increases energy and focus, but doesn't give the peaks and dips like caffeine.
Cacao positively affects various neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, noradrenaline, anandamide and phenylethylamine, works against stress and is a natural antidepressant.


You can use it daily as a substitute for coffee by making a hot chocolate
drink using about 20-30gms per day depending on your needs.
You can try a ceremonial cacao dose approx 42g per serving.

It can be made with water or milk and you can add chilli powder, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, or whatever you desire to spice it up.
Can also be enjoyed as a iced cacao drink , add a mix of your favourite milk sweeteners ,spices and powders.

Cacao also makes it a versatile cooking ingredient and can be added to any
sauces, curries, stews and casseroles to bring a depth or flavour.

For those chocolatiers and pastry chefs , you can alchemise our Cacao paste into interesting chocolate and deserts.

Unleash the Cacao superpowers!


Organic Chaga Mushroom & Organic Peruvian Criollo Cacao Adaptogen Blend 100g
Organic Reishi Mushroom & Organic Peruvian Criollo Cacao Adaptogen Blend 100g
Organic Lions Mane Mushroom & 
Organic Peruvian Criollo Cacao Adaptogen Blend 100g
Organic Raw Pure Peruvian Ceremonial Cacao Liquor/Paste (50g/200g/500g/1kg)
Organic Raw Pure Peruvian Cacao Powder (250g)