The Konica AutoReflex T3 stands as a pinnacle of innovation in the world of film photography, embodying the pioneering spirit of Konica's engineering. Launched in the early 1970s, the AutoReflex T3 was among the first cameras to offer full-aperture metering in an SLR, setting a new standard for exposure accuracy and ease of use. Its robust construction and advanced features made it a favorite among professional photographers of its time. The T3's ability to switch between full and half-frame shooting modes offered unparalleled flexibility, making it a highly versatile tool for various photographic projects. This camera not only captured moments but also marked an era of technological advancement in photography.

Important information:

✅ Light seals have been replaced
✅ Batteries included

Explore the legacy of film photography with the Konica AutoReflex T3, a camera that blends historical significance with functional excellence. Whether you're a seasoned photographer or new to the film medium, the T3 offers an opportunity to connect with the past while capturing the present. Its durable design and innovative features ensure that it remains a reliable companion for all your photographic adventures. Rediscover the joy of film with the Konica AutoReflex T3 and make each shot a piece of history. Start your journey into the world of vintage photography today.