OLIVE TREE/SHRUB (olea europaea)

A fantastic Mediterranean shrub/tree and a frequent favorite in show gardens. with beautifully formed silvery green-leaves, light enough to catch the breeze and give shimmering interest to the garden. Olea europaea will give a magical reminder of European shores. Olea europaea live for hundreds of years in their native habitat, reaching monumental heights too. the gnarly trunks of centenarians are much prized and exchange hands for thousands. this smaller version is equally appealing whilst being a manageable size. These plants happily grow in containers or in a sheltered spot with protection from harsh winds. Trees will blossom in summer, forming decorative fruits (they seldom mature fully in the UK) in late summer to Autumn. birds and other wildlife will greatly appreciate these immature fruits as winter draws in. Olea europaea prefers to be planted in well-drained soil and is drought tolerant once established. ensure it receives the maximum amount of sunshine from a south facing site. A hardy evergreen perennial tree which eventually reaches up to 8m tall with spread of 2.5m.

*These plant have been grown in our greenhouse from seeds and ready to plant out after the last frost.
Approximately height of 10-20cm
*To be send in 9cm pot

*Please note, plants are only posted by Royal Mail on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays to avoid weekends.