Cute Pugs Brandable

Dommz ... Providers of Short, Brandable, Desirable and Affordable '.COM' Domain Names to Makers and Creators, Startups, entrepreneurial Web Developers and Domain Flippers.

This listing is for the domain name only. There is no website or logos included in this sale.

If you need a website or logos then contact us.

'Buy it Now'

The 'Buy it now' price includes a FREE extra 12 months of Registrar Fees on top of the remaining 'time until renewal' period.
This means it will be at least 12 months before you need to renew the Domain.

For Example: If there is 6 months of Registrar Fees remaining before the Domain Name needs to be renewed; you will receive the Domain Name with 18 Months of Registrar Fees remaining before the Domain Name needs to be renewed.

FREE Extra 12 months of Registrar Fees applies to 'Buy it Now' only. 

'Make an Offer

You can make an offer on our Domains but if we accept your offer it will not include 12 months of FREE extra Registrar fees.
FREE Extra 12 months of Registrar Fees applies to 'Buy it Now' only. 

Domain Name Transfer:

When you purchase a Dommz '.COM' Domain Name we need to pass it on to you.

1.  We will send you a message through ebay which will direct you to the Domain Registrar. 
Our message will show you how to create a free account with the Domain Registrar. ( If you don't already have one).

2.  You then reply to our message and provide the name of the account you created.

3.  We will push the Domain Name you have purchased to your account with the Domain Registrar.

4.  The Domain Name is now yours and you can either leave it where it is or Transfer it to another Registrar.

We only use industry leading Domain Registrars. Most of our Domains are with either Namecheap, Porkbun, Z or Name.

Returns and Refunds:
Only make this purchase if you are sure that you want the Domain Name. 
There are no returns or refunds for any reason. 

There is no physical shipping service involved in the transfer of a Domain Name but we cannot create a Domain Name Listing on ebay without specifying one. Rest assured there are no freight services or charges and you will not be receiving a physical product.

See our other listings or follow Dommz for new Short, Brandable, Desirable and Affordable '.COM' Domain Names

