Yaesu FT-2000 transceiver. 160 meters thru 6 meters at 100W output. It has a built-in power supply as well as a built-in antenna tuner.

This radio works very well, I have used it in many contests (mainly CW & RTTY),  the smooth tuning and selectivity are very good in my opinion.

I am also including a software defined I/Q panadapter. I never hooked this up, bur am including it since it is made for this radio,

In addition, I am also including a Rigexpert Plus interface. This is a transceiver interface that provides I/O for a number of different  modes. It connects between the radio via the rear panel connectors and the computer via the USB interface. It has the Winkeyer interface built-in for perfect CW, RTTY mode, built-in sound card. I am including this because my new radio contains all this functionality built-in.

Now for the bad news, the second receiver seems to be lacking somewhat in sensitivity. I never used it so I had not noticed, but I have lowerd the starting price in case you want to get it checked.

I am selling this radio as-is because of its age and the second rcvr issue,