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Losing Military Supremacy

by Andrei Martyanov

Our competitive edge has eroded in every domain of warfare – air, land, sea, space, and cyberspace,General Mattis said. And it is continually eroding. American exceptionalist culture has deep roots in the American founding, which even Alexis De Tocqueville observed in his seminal work in 1837. While exceptionalism is not unique to America, the intensity of their conviction and its global ramifications are. This view of its exceptionalism has led the US to grossly misinterpret—sometimes deliberately—the causative factors of key events of the past two centuries. Accordingly, the wrong conclusions have been derived, and very wrong lessons learned. Nowhere has this been more manifest than in American military thought and its actual application of military power. Time after time the American military has failed to match lofty declarations about its superiority, producing instead a mediocre record of military accomplishments. Starting from the Korean War the United States hasn't won a single war against a technologically inferior, but mentally tough enemy. The technological dimension of American strategy has completely overshadowed any concern with the social, cultural, operational and even tactical requirements of military (and political) conflict. With a new Cold War with Russia emerging, the United States enters a new period of geopolitical turbulence completely unprepared in any meaningful way—intellectually, economically, militarily or culturally—to face a reality which was hidden for the last 70+ years behind the curtain of never-ending Chalabi moments and a strategic delusion concerning Russia, whose history the US viewed through a Solzhenitsified caricature kept alive by a powerful neocon lobby, which even today dominates US policy makers' minds. This book: Explores the dramatic difference between the Russian and US approach to warfare, which manifests itself across the whole spectrum of activities from art and the economy, to the respective national cultures. Illustrates the fact that Russian economic, military and cultural realities and power are no longer what American elites think they are by addressing Russia's new and elevated capacities in the areas of traditional warfare as well as cyberwarfare and space. Studies in depth several ways in which the US can simply stumble into conflict with Russia and what must be done to avoid it.

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Author Biography

Andrei Martyanov is an expert on Russian military and naval issues. Born in Baku USSR in 1963 he graduated from the Kirov Naval Red Banner Academy and served as an officer. He took part in the events in the Caucasus which led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. In the mid-1990s he moved to the United States where he currently works as Laboratory Director of a commercial aerospace group.


"Andrei Martyanov's book is an absolute 'must read' for any person wanting to understand the reality of modern warfare and super-power competition." THE SAKER
"Martyanov's must-read book is the ultimate Weapon of Myth Destruction (WMD). And unlike the Saddam Hussein version, this one actually exists." PEPE ESCOBAR, AsiaTimes
"The arrogant hubris of American exceptionalism and the myths that sustain it are subjected to devastating analysis in this long overdue book..." PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS

Long Description

While exceptionalism is not unique to America, the intensity of this conviction and its global ramifications are. This has led the US to grossly misinterpretsometimes deliberatelythe causative factors of key events of the past two centuries, reaching the wrong conclusions and learning very wrong lessons.Nowhere has this been more manifest than in American military thought and its actual application of military power. Time after time the American military has failed to match lofty declarations about its superiority, producing instead a mediocre record of military accomplishments. Starting from the Korean War the United States hasn't won a single war against a technologically inferior, but mentally tough enemy.The technological dimension of American strategy has completely overshadowed any concern with the social, cultural, operational and even tactical requirements of military (and political) conflict. With a new Cold War with Russia emerging, the United States enters a new period of geopolitical turbulence completely unprepared in any meaningful wayintellectually, economically, militarily or culturallyto face a reality which has been hidden for the last 70+ years behind a strategically-crafted delusion concerning Russia, whose history the US viewed through a Solzhenitsified caricature kept alive by the powerful neocon lobby, which still today dominates US policy makers' minds.In Losing Military Supremacy: The Myopia of American Strategic Planning, Andrei Martyanov: explores the dramatic difference between the Russian and US approach to warfare across the whole spectrum of activities from art and the economy, to the respective national cultures; addresses Russia's new and elevated capacities in the areas of traditional warfare as well as recent developments in cyberwarfare and space, and Putin's latest revelations; studies in depth several ways in which the US can simply stumble into conflict with Russia and what must be done to avoid it.Martyanov's former Soviet military background enables deep insight into the fundamental issues of warfare and military power as a function of national powerassessed correctly, not through the lens of Wall Street economic indices but through the numbers of enclosed technological cycles and culture, much of which has been shaped in Russia by continental warfare and which is practically absent in the US.

Review Quote

"The arrogant hubris of American exceptionalism and the myths that sustain it are subjected to devastating analysis in this long overdue book..." PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS

Excerpt from Book

The coming of the revolutionary S-500 air-defense system may completely close Russia and her allies' airspace from any aerial or even ballistic threats. These developments alone completely devalue the astronomically expensive USAF front line combat aviation and its colossal investment into the very limited benefits of stealth, a euphemism for primarily "invisibility" in radio diapason, the mediocre F-35 being a prime example of the loss of common engineering, tactical and operational sense. Radiophotonics detection technologies will make all expenditures on stealth, without exception, simply a waste of money and resources. No better experts on how to waste resources exist than those sponsored by the US military-industrial complex. The situation is no better at sea. The introduction into service in 2017 of the 3M22 Zircon hyper-sonic missile is already dramatically redefining naval warfare and makes even remote sea zones a "no-sail" zone for any US major surface combatant, especially aircraft carriers. Currently, and for the foreseeable future, no technology capable to intercept such a missile exists or will exist. The US Navy still retains a world-class submarine force, but even this force will have huge difficulties when facing the challenge of increasingly deadly and silent non-nuclear submarines which are capable, together with friendly sea and shore-based anti-submarine forces, to completely shut down their own littorals from any kind of threat. Once access through littorals and the sea and even some oceans zones that matter are shut down, as they are being now, one of the main pillars of American naval doctrine and strategy--the ability to project power--collapses. With it collapses the main pillar of American superpowerdom, or, at least, of its illusion. The late Scott Shuger formulated an American naval contradiction: "Because navies can go quietly over the horizon in ways armies can't, naval development presents a country with unique opportunities for going wrong. When a continental power like the United States disregards its natural defense barriers and builds big battle fleets, it has turned from geopolitical realities towards a troublesome kind of make-believe. This kind of navy exists only to defeat other navies that are similarly inclined. That's justifiable only if other navies like that already exist." No carrier-centric navies, other than the US Navy, exist, nor will they exist in the nearest future ...


Author Andrei Martyanov
Publisher Clarity Press
Language English
ISBN-10 0998694754
ISBN-13 9780998694757
Format Paperback
Year 2018
Imprint Clarity Press
Place of Publication Atlanta, GA
Country of Publication United States
AU Release Date 2018-09-01
NZ Release Date 2018-09-01
US Release Date 2018-09-01
Publication Date 2018-09-01
UK Release Date 2018-09-01
Pages 308
Subtitle The Myopia of American Strategic Planning
DEWEY 355.033273
Audience General
