This is quite a find.  I saw it in Tangier Morocco in 1995. 

 The etched work is of the Alhambra in Grenada Spain, behind are the Sierra Mountains. These were usually made for the kings and monarchs' desk.  It is surrounded by gardens and Cypress trees.


The Alhambra was built between 1238 and 1358.  The Catholics seized it in 1492.The Alhambra was destroyed by French Troops in 1812.

The work is very detailed and elegant.  This is a photo of The Alhambra.  Compare with etching in photos and you will note missing architecture,  it was surrounded by gardens and Cypress. The Alhambra became a Christian court in 1492 when the Catholic Monarchs

conquered Granada. Later, several structures were built to house

prominent citizens, military barracks, a Church and a Franciscan

Monastery. Some of these structures are not present in the etchings.

The interior is red silk with a floral design.  The signature of the maker in on the interior of the lid in gold. Someone attempted to reinforce the interior edges with glue.  . There is a keyhold.I have researched and believe the age to be after the Catholics began adding structures in the 1400's .  

If you can add more information, please contact me.