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To Touch A Heart

by Annalee Schade

This book is a compilation of poems that I wrote throughout my highschool years. Most of the poems I wrote as a way of getting my thoughts organized, to try and come up with an answer to a question, or as a way to express myself. The poems were also a way to get people thinking. Some of these poems were more personal, trying to use words to express a feeling. The majority of them were me just trying to explore thoughts, concepts, and imagery. I decided to get my poems published as a way to touch people's hearts. To inspire others like me, young authors, and those who struggle with mental disabilities, learning disabilities, or both. It can feel daunting to try something that you dream of doing when it feels like you are steps behind everyone else. I hope this book can be an inspiration for at least one person to feel like they can achieve their dream or calling. This is not a book about dreams, this book is the achievement of a dream.

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Author Annalee Schade
Pages 86
Publisher Golden Meteorite Press
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9781778890635
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-12-16
Imprint Golden Meteorite Press
Audience General
