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The Witching Hour

by Motasem Nayel Abu Foul

The ancient woodland that borders the small town of Ravens wood was once a place of great and scenic beauty. But that all changed when a powerful curse was placed on him many centuries ago. It is said that a group of sorcerers who dwelt in the depths of the forest placed the curse, and that their anger was unleashed on the city after they had been subjected to great injustice.
From that day forward, the townspeople of Ravens wood lived in fear of the witches and the dark powers they wielded. They avoided the forest at all costs, believing it to be a place of evil and darkness, where untold horrors lurked in the shadows.
As the years passed, the memory of the curse and the magicians who made it a legend faded. But fear and superstition remained passed down from generation to generation, until they became part of the very fabric of the city.
And so when a young woman named Lily arrives in Ravens wood, in search of a new beginning and a new life, she finds herself drawn into a world of mystery and danger. I soon discovered that the town was shrouded in secrets, and that the witches who once haunted the woods were still very much a part of Ravenswood's present.
As Lily delves into the city's dark history, she finds herself facing untold horrors and battling dark forces that threaten to consume her. But with the help of a few brave allies and her fierce determination, she is determined to end this curse once and for all, and free Ravens wood from her ancient fear.
The curse on the woods has had a profound impact on the town of Ravenswood. Many believe that the witches in the forest have the power to bring misfortune and tragedy to anyone who crosses their path.
As a result, the townspeople live in a constant state of fear and suspicion, and they are quick to blame any misfortune on the curse. This has led to a culture of distrust and paranoia, with neighbors turning against each other in their search for a scapegoat.
Despite their fear, some have attempted to break the curse. Over the years, many have sought out the help of powerful witch doctors, sorcerers, and shamans, but all have failed to lift the curse from the woods.
As the years have gone by, the curse has become more deeply ingrained in the town's psyche. It has become a part of their history and culture, passed down from generation to generation.
To this day, the townspeople of Ravenswood live in the shadow of the cursed woods. They are a people marked by fear and superstition, unable to escape the grasp of the witches who haunt the forest.

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Author Motasem Nayel Abu Foul
Pages 106
Publisher Independently Published
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9798392663453
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-04-26
Imprint Independently Published
Audience Children / Juvenile
