Model Rail No 119 July 2008

6 The Big Picture
One hundred years ago, inside a roundhouse, somewhere on the GWR...
8 Reviews
Seven pages, including Skaledale's Settle & Carlisle buildings, Bachmann's Windward Isles and Hornby's graffiti-covered ferry van.
16 Model Mail
The readers' letters page includes details of a new owner for Alan Gibson's range.
52 Milking it!
18 LAYOUT: Portreath
A delightful Western Region branch line layout using mainly ready-to-run '00', built by Barry Sargeant.
25 Western branch line modelling
Model Rail's new 2-disc DVD
26 Tricks of the trade: model photography
I Master model photographer Chris Nevard shows how to take great photographs of your models.
30 Brushing up 'the Dog'
I Pete Marriott freshens up the scenery on Chris Leigh's Black Dog Halt layout.
36 Model Rail subscriptions
This month's subscriber offer is six '00' road vehicles - absolutely free.
38 Masterclass: '2251' class 0-6-O
Mike Romans tells the story of these popular little GWR locomotives. Robert Forsythe and George Dent study the models.
46 Upton & Blewbury, 1938
Steve Banks analyses a superb photograph by Maurice Earley.
48 Auto-coach alternative
Andy McMillan backdates the Hornby auto-
t Steve Banks investigates the movement of milk by rail tank wagons.
57 Competition
I You could win some great Western branch line rolling stock.
58 Oakburton
Max Dunstone's superb '0' gauge layout depicts a west country line in GWR days.
64 Branch line style
Richard Foster suggests places to go to find pure GWR atmosphere in the 21st century.
66 Down to the Sea
Peter Marriott models a waterfront station inspired by First Great Western's Looe branch.
The biggest and best question and answer service in model railway publishing, this month's includes footplate tools for a '57xx'.
74 Show & Tell
Readers show their latest projects and layout progress.
76 News
9 Ben Ando brings back the latest news in 'N' gauge and we've first pictures of Hornby's new HST.
80 Exhibition Diary
All the dates and venues for forthcoming shows.
82 Moctef Rail exclusives
Your shop window on all our current Model Rail limited edition models.
128 Buyer Directory
The A to 2 guide to this issue's advertisements from the model trade.
129 Backscene
Always has the last word...
130 Next Issue
Two more superb layouts, plus Class 60s, coming in our Summer issue.
Another 'AT from Bachmann - see 'Reviews'.


What I Sell...
The things I sell are usually pretty old and all are pre-owned so don't expect shrink-wrapped wrapped perfection!
Mostly, the items are sourced from local house clearance auction sales who, due of the economics of running these auction houses, would have dumped them as unsold in land-fill if I hadn't bought the lot and sorted out the saleable from the absolute rubbish.

My other 'planet saving' contributions...
Apart from keeping nice stuff out of land-fill, I use recycled packaging wherever possible so don't be surprised if your dream piece of Minton arrives in a car parts box - they are strong!
Another ploy is that, as I would otherwise have to make a 25 mile round trip to do my posting, I can save fuel (and infection risk) by having all my items collected by the Postie or the Hermes van driver as they are out here anyway and no additional fuel is used.

My delivery details...  

Postage is charged at cost (not 'hidden' as 'Free')
I always try to combine postage where possible - please ask before paying.
There are occasions where combined post is not possible due to the types of items (e.g. lead crystal and hammers don't travel well in the same box!).
Packing slips can be sent by email if requested, otherwise - no paper!

Enjoy my items - I enjoyed rescuing them and giving them the chance of a new home!