the a2080 is one of the series electric locomotives built by hitachi for the chichibu private railway co, a small carrier in nothern saitama province originally operated to haul limestone from the quarries on mt bujo......the original deki design was conceived in the early 1950s and has progressed through 5 iterations; the deki200 version was constructed circa 1963 - all versions were preceded by JNR's ed19, to which all share an obvious lineage.....although chichibu  railway operations have expanded into real estate and tourism, the deki successors remain today faithfully hauling the limestone unit trains.......... 

i acquired this model from a private party (collector) who asseverated to its is common in japan, he probably prevailed on the brick and mortar of acquisition to fit one end with a knuckle coupler from the accessory pack.......fortunately, he retained the removed rapido allowing a new owner, if desired, to restore the model to its original factory specification.....