Island of Dr. Moreau official movie mag from Starlog in 1996.  More Val Kilmer than you can handle.  Many articles on the make-up and F/X in the film

FN.  Some ticks at spine and a small crease at lower right corner.  Otherwise, glossy, flat, and shiny throughout.  Include this with another order for combined shipping to take full advantage of the low price.

I'm not an expert grader, so please look carefully at the many quality photos and determine the grade and condition for yourself. I'm happy to answer any questions.

If you buy multiple items, ask about a combined shipping discount - I am happy to include a few comics or pulps in the same parcel, as that works for both me and you.  Comics and magazines will be shipped bagged and boarded and sandwiched between cardboard with care to keep stickier tapes away from the collectible, just as I like to receive them. I pride myself in doing my part towards fast shipping, as I'll almost always ship out the same day or next after payment.

Returns accepted within 30 days, buyer pays shipping unless something is missing from description or not visible in photos.

Look at my other listings for similar comics, pulps, and magazines!