Nasturtium Black Velvet (lat. Tropaeolum)

Compact beautiful herbaceous plant (height 30-40 cm) with bright flowers with a subtle pleasant aroma. The flowers are large (4-5 cm in diameter), semi-double and double, juicy cherry-pink color. The plant is light-and heat-loving. It looks very decorative when decorating balconies, window boxes, flower beds and borders, flower beds in the form of wide ribbons. Nasturtium is used not only as an ornamental or edible plant, but also as a medicinal one.
Sowing in the open ground at the end of May according to the scheme 25*30 cm. The depth of seed embedding is 1.5 cm. Nasturtium prefers moderately fertile, light, well-drained soil. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for a day.
Care watering at the beginning of growth, and after flowering with strong drying of the soil. Fertilizing should be carried out only before flowering with an interval of 7-10 days with a solution of a complex mineral fertilizer.
When applying fresh organic fertilizers, an excess of nitrogen and moisture, the plant develops a powerful green mass and blooms weakly. Flowering from June to frost.

Annual: Annual