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La Gense

by Ken Fields, Matthew King

La Bible est l'une des plus grandes oeuvres de la litrature mondiale, et c'est dans la Gense (bien sr) que tout commence. La Gense est une histoire que tout le monde devrait absolument connatre. Cete version laque de la Gense est, comme son nom l'indique, un rcit neutre de l'histoire, sans le proslytisme subtil que l'on trouve souvent dans les livres pour enfants sur la religion.
L'histoire laque de la Gense commence par une discussion sur la faon dont nous avons vcu il y a longtemps, sur les raisons pour lesquelles nous avons racont des histoires et cr des mythologies, puis elle progresse vers les sept jours de la Cration, Adam et ve, Abraham, Isaac et Jacob, et se termine avec Joseph en gypte.
Ce livre n'est en aucun cas un rcit complet de la Gense, mais plutt une introduction rapide destine familiariser les enfants avec l'histoire. Il convient aux enfants gs de 4 8 ans. A full description

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Author Biography

Ken Fields at best credits himself as being an amateur author, occasionally gathering the wherewithal to put together a book on a topic that interests him.He is a graduate of Brown University and began his career on Wall Street working as an analyst at a large very well known investment bank in their real estate investment banking group. After a few years he moved over to the private wealth management division at a slightly lesser, but still very well recognized private bank.Eventually leaving the world of finance he became a real estate developer of modest success purchasing and renovating a handful of apartments and small properties long before social media and the boom in home renovation shows. In 2002 he acquired a run down and neglected 1950's motel in South Beach and re-christened it The Creek South Beach, inviting up and coming artists from around the country to design rooms. The hotel won Best Hotel Of Miami in The Miami New Times 2003. He has owned and developed properties throughout Miami-Dade, New Orleans, New York and Connecticut.As an entrepreneur, Fields has since owned, managed, been a partner, an investor, a business development "guru" in more than a dozen some odd ventures with varying degrees of success. Along with his wife he manages several philanthropic donor advised funds under the Noya Fields Family Funds "umbrella" supporting the environment, education, the arts and women's empowerment.Married with one kid, when people ask he tells them he's a stay at home dad.


Author Matthew King
Pages 56
Audience Age 4-8
Publisher Other New Media
Year 2024
Illustrator Matthew King
ISBN-13 9798987964743
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2024-03-04
Imprint Other New Media
Subtitle Un Livre Sculaire Pour Les Enfants
Audience Children / Juvenile
