Please read the description. I have a quick update I have already sold paintings for $150 or higher you will get a discount with more than one painting these are oil-based paintings Not acrylic! I am a true artist! Like Vincent van Gogh/ Bob Ross these words were said by other people not mine and  I want to inspire others with my artwork I went to a wedding recently in people want me to paint them artwork they send me pictures they want my interpretation on what I am sent if I had room on eBay Ivan put them up but send me a message and ask me questions I can send you your own pictures of the painting or send me pictures of things that you want me to paint and I can do that too if I can't do it I'll let you know thank you and have a great day!  and I made the newspaper on my Artwork on my oil based paintings I have a art exhibit at a local library I will have another one soon I'm very happy about making the newspaper. I will show pictures of the paintings and the newspaper. article. I'm being compared to Vincent van Gogh that is some great company. to be in. I've only been painting for about a year a half but it has been taking off ever since then. I was never taught by any art teacher no training nothing. I want to inspire people with my paintings new artists or anybody that is into art. My artwork comes naturally nothing is forced it is smooth flowing. the only person they had growing up when I was a kid was Bob Ross. he was great he was a great artist of my generation he inspired now I want to inspire you. so I hope someone sees these paintings . And she's a great thing. To come. I hope everyone is being safe and trying to stay positive in their life I hope I can put a smile on your face with these paintings. And I wish you all a Happy New Year. I hope 2024 is better than 2023 for everyone have a great day thank you

quick update from my paintings. I am a local artist in my town. I have these paintings currently in art gallery. Display that the local library. Will be moved at different locations. It takes me about roughly 45 minutes to make paintings all paintings would be different if you buy any from this listing some will have forests that's the title. Others will be out of this world I will show you some pic new pictures of my paintings at the art gallery at the library at a small town called Barre. Massachusetts. I have other paintings located at a cafe near me it's barber shop near me and I'm having some great success I already have some people interested in buying my paintings I know it's hard to make a price on something I have created. I have made all kinds of different sceneries I've only been doing this for a year and a half but really gotten better throughout a year and a half. Currently going to make some new ones soon.

If you buy any of these paintings from this listing on eBay they will be random everything I do is my own original painting yes I've read books about artists and seeing other artists like Bob Ross like Tim Burton in Vincent van Gogh other types of art inspired by but everything is original I have never tried to copy anybody in my paintings yes they are scenery but lots of people do scenery with their own style and like I said some things are not some are out of this world planets like Mars in other planets in galaxies nebula in just simply out of space I spent a lot of time looking through my telescope and conservative to be amateur stronger like taking great pictures Mars Jupiter and Saturn and Venus and great pictures of our moon and their moons. Jupiter Moons I've been told this many times I don't like to pick myself that way but people have told me I'm a very talented person a very honest person and truthful person I do think I do my best I am honest and true but as very talented I think I'm really good but I don't think above anybody else you know what I'm trying to say. I'm very appreciated on what people think about me good or bad recently I have been dealing with a scam artist and that is why I have a negative review. unfortunately there's nothing I can do with this moment and get it removed. Training fix everything with my business and move on from it even though it says I'm not 100% positive I will be 100% positive in my life and with you. and like I said all paintings are made by me is more to this description that was already posted before. I know my description is a little lengthy but rules a lot to say. so I hope people that see this listing understand what I'm trying to do or read my profile on eBay. I really want to expand my business and that is my goal and you will get a free gift with purchase and I will go above and beyond with you I want you to have a positive experience besides that one unnecessary undeserving negative review by a scam artist. But enough said about that would stay positive and have a great day continue reading this description because this is the original description after this point. This Painting is a Forest and River on a Windy Day Made by Me I am an artist I Have Made multiple paintings Total No art classes nothing I did it myself I'm not a professional I used to watch Bob Ross I did take some art class in high school 20 years ago. But that's it no classes ever besides that I will Throw in a free gift with This Painting 100% guaranteed. with purchase I've seen Bob Ross style paintings go for more I don't really want to say it's that but if you want to compare it to anything I guess that is somewhat what I was going for my other paintings are more weird and dark kind of like Tim Burton films like Batman if you like this painting and you want to see the other paintings I will send you some pictures if you have any questions about it I did this to start a new hobby to relax this painting I think is really good so I figured sell it on eBay people have to start somewhere anyways I will be making more paintings in the future but for now I'm taking a little break since I made a really good painting and all three are great the first one was a dark night time scene with planets and stars I live in the country like Bob Ross went to live in Alaska. I don't live in Alaska or ever been but it's as beautiful as that you know what I'm saying I've done my own music and different forms of art when I was younger so I always had it in me to make some beautiful art. I hope whoever buys this will enjoy it and I hope you guys have a great day again if you have any questions just ask if I sell this this will be sold as is and I don't want a return on this painting I will pack it up really nice with bubble wrap and whenever I need to do to make it safe purchases this beautiful painting I want whoever buys it to enjoy it like.  I'm not a professional or recognized artist I hope to be someday so if you have not heard of me well you won't well have a great day and good luck with This I have many more paintings I've been making in all year if you have any questions just ask if I can send you pictures or whatever I made it nice 4th of July painting over the weekend. it's one of two on the lake with fireworks I'm getting better at the technique everyday multi-talented I don't know what else to say everybody seems to love them and that's what they say about them I'm trying to open my own shop and I will be honest with you 100% guaranteed. I will throw in a free gift with purchase gives some money to charity like I said if you have any more questions just ask thank you each painting is unique in its own way. Thank you again. have a great day. If you have any questions just.