HERBALIFE: Liftoff Promegranate Berry Burst 30 Stick Packs. 2X Pack Of 2.

Key Benefits

75 mg of caffeine

15 calories

0 g sugar

Supports brain function, accelerates memory recall† and helps reduce the feeling of mental fatigue with ginsenosides*

Specially formulated with 351 mg of a unique energy blend that includes panax ginseng, L-taurine, caffeine, guarana extract and inositol

Contains Vitamin C and energy-supporting B vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7 and B12*

Caffeine is naturally a thermogenic and temporarily increases your metabolism*

Fast Facts

†Temporary benefit based on consumption of ginseng by healthy young adults.

‡Limit caffeine to 200 milligrams per sitting and about 400 milligrams of caffeine per day.


Mix one serving (5 g, one stick pack) with 8 fl. oz. of water

Enjoy as a morning or midafternoon pick-me-up‡