Authentic Blessed Hair of Hz Umar Bin Khattab RA

exibited at Kolbadi house Museum reg number 2148 The house was built to the order of Seyid Lotfallhi Jalil, one of the army commanders of the time. Later on, the house was yielded to his grandchild, Manouchehr Khan Kolbadi. The architecture style of the building is taken from shrines in Qajar era gifted to the home was hair of the Holy Prophet and the Sahaba gifted to the town to pay tribute and zyaraat

This hair has been grown from cutting of 1 cm and now measures 30 cm long

Belonging to Hz Umar bin Khattab RA certified snd stamped on documentation of trustees and custodian . The hair was eexiboted at Topkapi palace and Islamic museum of relics in Istanbul Sultanhamet .

If you have questions please feel free to ask hamdillah all history and truth provided