Farmland Traditions Dogs Love Variety Jerky treats offer everything pet parents are seeking and exactly what dogs love! Made with 100% delectable USA raised beef, turkey and chicken, not even picky eaters can resist this tempting selection. Full of flavor and free from fillers, our treats never contain any gluten, corn, wheat, soy, artificial colors, or flavors. Rewarding your dog has never felt so good. Simply made with limited ingredients our jerky treats can easily be broken into smaller pieces making them perfect for all breeds. Your pup is sure to be on their best behavior to claim another scrumptious reward. Our mouthwatering treats are also available in turkey, beef, pork, and duck and are the perfect for dogs of all breeds and sizes! With 5 different varieties to choose from, your dog is sure to fall in love. Made by Hillside Farms, an established prime manufacturer of dog treats, Farmland Traditions Jerky treats deliver the product quality, safety, and clean label attributes that pets and their owners love. Manufactured in our own sunny Southern California facility.