This is a Siemens PLC training unit with free software Simatic Manager V5.6 or V5.7 (Win11) and replacement of programming cable. You have everything to start program a popular Siemens PLC (CPU 313) with one 24VDC input module (16 in) and one 24VDC output combination module (16 out) The unit consists of the following components: 1. Power Supply 120VAC-24VDC 
2. CPU 315-2DP 6ES7 315-2AF03-0AB0 3. Input 16-pt 24VDC 6ES7 321-1BH02-0AA0 3. Input & Output 16-pt each. 6ES7 322-1BH01-0AA0 4. Rack: all components are installed on. 5. Replacement of programming cable 6ES7 972-0CB20-0XA0 6. Programming software Simatic manager V5.6 (win10) and V5.7 (win11) on 16G memory stick with permanent licenses

The PLC system is working great. You can learn most complicated Siemens PLC programming with Ladder language, or STL language. Siemens S7-300 is a popular PLC and still widely being used in industry. It has laid the foundation of another advance
Siemens software TIA.