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My Name's Sammy, and I'm No Snitch

by Jeff Tucker, Miranda Morrissey

Sammy never blabs. But what will he do when his best friend is bullied and targeted for a beating after school? Will Sammy save his friend by seeking help or will he be too scared to report the threat because he doesn't want to be known as the class grass?Sammy wants you to know he's no blabbermouth. He's no gossipmonger. No squealer or rat. And he most definitely is no grass!When Sammy catches his best pal, Carlos, sticking a wad of bubble gum under a desk, Sammy doesn't spill the beans. When the meanest kid at the primary school sneaks off with an extra cupcake, Sammy doesn't tell tales. When the school counsellor shows up 10 minutes late, Sammy stays silent. Afterall, he's no grass and proud of it.But will he be able to stay tight-lipped when his best friend is bullied, called a cry-baby and targeted for a beating after school? Will the many "see something, say something" posters displayed in the corridors of the school make Sammy rethink his attitude and report the threat?MY NAME'S SAMMY, AND I'M NO SNITCH is a powerful children's tale about why it's important to report dangerous behaviour, how to recognise the difference between telling tales and reporting and why asking adults for help is sometimes the safest thing to do.

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Sammy wants you to know he's no blabbermouth. He's no tattletale. No squealer or rat. And he most definitely is no snitch! When Sammy catches his best bud Carlos sticking a wad of gooey gum under a desk, Sammy doesn't spill the beans. When the meanest kid at the elementary school sneaks off with an extra cupcake, Sammy doesn't tattle. When the school counselor shows up 10 minutes late, Sammy stays silent. Afterall, he's no snitch and proud of it. But will he be able to stay tight-lipped when his best friend is bullied, called a crybaby and targeted for a beatdown after school? Will the many "see something, say something" posters plastered in the hallways make Sammy rethink his attitude and report the threat? My Name's Sammy, and I'm No Snitch is a powerful children's tale about why it's important to report dangerous behaviors, how to recognize the difference between snitching and reporting, and why asking adults for help is sometimes the safest thing to do.

Author Biography

Jeff Tucker is a licensed professional counselor with experience providing mental health services to students of all ages. Jeff earned his Master's in counseling from Louisiana Tech University and is pursuing his Doctorate in counselor education and supervision at Adams State University. Jeff is passionate about education, promoting mental health in children, and social justice issues. His children's book series Chicoree Elementary Stories for Success teaches children skills and behaviors like looking out for others and knowing when to report to an adult. He has always been an avid reader and writer and believes in the power of books to help children thrive. Jeff lives in Little Rock, Arkansas with his spouse and their spoiled dog.


"My Name Sammy, And I'm No Snitch is a must have for parents, caregivers, teachers and school administration. Everyone especially the school counselors or therapists need this book on their shelf. It teachers clear, situations to help children distinguish snitching and reporting! Teaching kids that there is a difference between snitching and reporting is a hard concept and as a teacher I can tell you this is something all teachers talk about. There is always that one or two or three kids who feel a child isn't following the rules and it is their place to tell you. It makes them feel important but also as a parent of an Autistic child they need others to follow the rules because otherwise it messes with their "norm". My son was one that was always in conflict because he felt it was his place to let other kids know they were not following the rules. It made him a target and other kids don't like being called out. Now that he is older and understands it isn't his job to worry about anyone other than himself. I also have to press him about his social media. I want him to know that if he sees something that could get someone hurt it is his responsibility to say something. Truly a hard lesson!" - Maria Gagliano
"Will work great for a read aloud for younger students or as a story for an older child to read on their own. Great discussion on the difference between being a 'snitch' & being a reporter, especially when it comes to bullying" - Melissa J, Verified Purchaser
"It is so important for children to learn the difference between 'snitching' and 'reporting, ' and to feel comfortable talking with adults about what they see others dealing with and what they are challenged with personally. This book is relevant, gives practical scenarios, and holds the reader's attention." - Rebecca Stutzman, Certified School Social Work Specialist

Long Description

Sammy wants you to know he's no blabbermouth. He's no tattletale. No squealer or rat. And he most definitely is no snitch! No matter what he sees, Sammy stays silent. When his best bud sticks a wad of gooey gum under a desk, Sammy doesn't spill the beans. When someone sneaks off with a cupcake, he doesn't tattle. Afterall, he's no snitch and proud of it. But will Sammy stay tight-lipped when a good friend is bullied and targeted for a beatdown after school? My Name's Sammy, and I'm No Snitch is a realistic and riveting tale that teaches young readers the difference between snitching and reporting, and helps them understand why the slogan "see something, say something" is meant to keep everyone safe.

Review Quote

"Will work great for a read aloud for younger students or as a story for an older child to read on their own. Great discussion on the difference between being a 'snitch' & being a reporter, especially when it comes to bullying" - Melissa J, Verified Purchaser


Language English
Year 2020
Illustrator Miranda Morrissey
ISBN-10 1944882618
ISBN-13 9781944882617
Format Paperback
Series Stepping up Social Skills
Publication Date 2020-11-25
UK Release Date 2020-11-25
Imprint Boys Town Press
Illustrations Illustrations, unspecified
Place of Publication Boys Town
Country of Publication United States
AU Release Date 2020-11-25
NZ Release Date 2020-11-25
US Release Date 2020-11-25
Author Miranda Morrissey
Pages 32
Publisher Boys Town Press
Audience Age 5-11
Alternative 9780593189085
Audience Children / Juvenile
