These tables came from the frustration of trying to squirrel proof my bird feeders. All attempts were in vain. These tree rats are clever critters. In my disgust of these creatures I said “ you know what I’ll make you your own table how’d that be?” So I did and it works! (Just as long as you keep table fare available)

These are made from standard pine, staples and screws. Covered with a quality outdoor/ indoor stain with polyurethane. Made a feeder dish you can screw down or just place atop the table.

We mounted these head high against their favorite tree with 3” wood screws. You can mount it anyway you want. Seen them on privacy fences, under kitchen windows, and my favorite use is my granddaughters and that was to commandeer a table and use it as het picnic table for her many dolls. I have had the pleasure of drinking tea and eating imaginary cookies (until papa went and got real cookies) at her dolls picnic table. So there is that use too.

Table will ship inside a sturdy cardboard box packaged to withstand our USPS.