Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye [BLU_RAY]

A psychopath, who has escaped from prison where he was serving a life sentence, tries to survive by resuming his criminal activities. To do this, he will corrupt characters from high places...

Format - BLU_RAY
Year - 1945 / 1940 / 1950
No. Discs - 1
Region - ALL (ALL)
Subtitle -
Duration: - 102
Original language - English
Movie/ TV Series - Films
Image format -
color format -
Gender - Drama
Gender - Thriller
Gender - Film Noir
Gender - Police
Study - Resen
SubBrand - FEEL
Audio -
Dubbing - HD
Dubbing - English 1.0 DTS-HD
Dubbing - Spanish 2.0 DTS
Mkp Brand - RESEN
Actors - Ward Bond
Actors - Helena Carter
Actors - James Cagney
Actors - Luther Adler
Actors - Barton Maclane
Actors - Barbara Payton
Actors -
Director - Gordon Douglas
ORIGINAL TITLE - Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye
Country - USA
Moral Rating - Not recommended for children under 7 years old

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