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Titolo: AC/DC – The Savage Tale of the First Standards War
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: The Savage Tale of the First Standards War
Autore: Tom McNichol
Formato: Copertina rigida
EAN: 9780787982676
ISBN: 9780787982676
Publisher: Jossey-Bass Inc.,U.S.
Genere: Science Nature & Math
Data di pubblicazione: 22/09/2006
Description: AC/DC tells the little-known story of how Thomas Edison wrongly bet in the fierce war between supporters of alternating current and direct current. The savagery of this electrical battle can hardly be imagined today. The showdown between AC and DC began as a rather straightforward conflict between technical standards, a battle of competing methods to deliver essentially the same product, electricity. But the skirmish soon metastasized into something bigger and darker. In the AC/DC battle, the worst aspects of human nature somehow got caught up in the wires; a silent, deadly flow of arrogance, vanity, and cruelty. Following the path of least resistance, the war of currents soon settled around that most primal of human emotions: fear. AC/DC serves as an object lesson in bad business strategy and poor decision making. Edison's inability to see his mistake was a key factor in his loss of control over the ?operating system? for his future inventions?not to mention the company he founded, General Electric.
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 229mm
Lunghezza: 152mm
Larghezza: 13mm
Peso: 383g
Title Format: Hardback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2006

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