A full-bodied black tea brewing a deep burgundy color. Each sip produces a mellow, smooth and a pleasantly sweet, earthy flavor with a subtle hint of smoky aromas in aftertaste.



Deep and earthy, with light notes of smoke and wood.


A woodsy fragrance of moist soil, tree bark, and autumnal leaves.

Brewing guide for Western Style:

Amount: 3g

Temperature: 95-100°C

Water: 250 ml

Steep time: 2-5 min

Number of of infusions: 3

Gong Fu Style-

Amount: 5-7 g

Temperature: 95-100°C

Water: 150 ml, or suit to your taste

Steep time: after initial rinse, 20 seconds, then gradually increase with each steep or suit to your taste

Number of infusions: 6

Tea Pot Style -

Amount: 8-10 pieces

Temperature: 95-100°C

Steep time: 2-3 minutes

Number of infusions: 3