Sharing God's  Salvation Message Doesn't Have To Be Difficult.
More  and more Christians worldwide of all ages are consistently  sharing their faith boldly by using GO! Gospel tracts in many  languages.
With  GO! Tract Evangelism, people everywhere no longer hesitate or  struggle with how to start a spiritual conversation.

Hand Out GO! Tracts, the Seed of Eternal Life With a Sincere and Pleasant Smile and Say, "Hi, I would Like to Share Good News With you." If they ask, "What is it about?" Tell them the Truth.  "It is a Gospel Tract.  It will Show You How to Get to Heaven."

Successful  ministries don’t often happen by appointment. That’s because the  Holy Spirit is continually at work, 24×7, working on people’s  hearts.
We never know  when someone is ripe to open their hearts and receive the Word.  That’s why you must always be prepared to seize the moment!
Whether that moment  manifests itself on a crowded bus, at a train station, in a  coffee shop, or in a road-side encounter – you must always be 
prepared to make each  encounter bear fruit. Always carry a supply of your favorite GO!  Bible Tracts with you and be prepared to engage with
anyone - no  matter where, no matter when  - that shows an interest in His message!
We, at GO  Evangelism Ministry, Inc., have been supporting gospel  ministries across the globe in their mission to spread the Word.  Thanks to our
GO! tracts, the Word  is spread every day, in countless parts of the glove, in  numerous languages. GO! Tracts are powerful visual tools for  those
setting out on their  ministry. Using the right tract can elicit the right response  from individuals and groups. When they see a beautifully laid  out tract
and read its message,  it can evoke the right reaction to your message. They, and  ultimately you, will reap the eternal rewards that lay ahead!
At GO! Evangelism  Ministry, we have GO! Gospel Tracts that will move anyone into  lending their ear to your message. You can develop a highly
effective Tract  Ministry by including a select choice of tracts in your  evangelism efforts. In doing so, you and everyone you touch  through your GO!
ministry will reap the eternal  reward of The Word!
God uses GO!  Gospel Tracts!
Are You  Still Afraid of Sharing the Gospel?
Any  and all believers can easily overcome the fear of sharing their  faith by using GO! Gospel Tracts in many languages, because
these tracts clearly and effectively, tell of man's sinful nature and God's  salvation. The only thing God cannot use is our dead silence.
Please remember, a person's eternity in either Heaven or in Hell  is at stake here.

Gospel Tracts  Are Effective & Powerful Tool!
Anytime  the gospel is presented, disseminated, heard & read,  that is Good News!
The goal of a gospel tract is to get the gospel of  salvation of Jesus Christ into
as  many peoples' hands as possible, as God will use it mightily (Isaiah  55:11).
Any time  God's Word goes forth, it is powerful and effective (Hebrews  4:12).
GO! Gospel Tracts are an  Exceptionally Excellent Tool!
When you  simply do not have the courage or time to stop and  witness to
someone,  Gospel tracts can be left in various strategic locations  for people
to pick up later  and read. Giving someone a gospel tract is much easier
than  personally engaging in conversation and sharing the  gospel message.
How to Make an Effective Opening to Share Our  Faith. 
If you want people to accept your  tract from you, don't say, "Would  you like this?" They will most likely respond, "What is  it?"
and then you're in trouble. They will probably start  asking you questions that you are not prepared for.
We  highly recommend you to start conversation by saying, "Did you get one of these? That  question has a two-fold effect.
You  stir up curiosity and make them ask "One of what?" That's when  you pass the GO! Gospel tract to them with a smile.
That  reply also makes them feel as though they are missing out on  something very important. And so they are. 
Or  you can reply with a Big Smile, "I have Good News for you!" They  all pay attention to Good News!
You hand out a GO!  Gospel Tract. Almost all of them gladly receive the Good News to  read.
If You Have Never Given Out Tracts, 
put  2-3 tracts on tables in local post offices, leave them in a shopping cart,  pass out to street pedestrians, pass out on busy
downtown street corners, leave on  ATM machines, give to flight attendants, cab drivers, truck  drivers, leave on sitting area
of shopping malls, leave in city parks on benches, leave in  Laundromats, give to waitresses with generous tips, put in
magazines in waiting rooms, leave in beauty parlors, hand  to store employees, check-out clerks, leave in restrooms at
airports, restaurants, schools, movie theatres, give to hospital  and nursing home patients, put in pockets of used clothing
given  away, plus the endless possibilities as the Holy Spirit leads you.
The  Holy Spirit will give you a deep sense of satisfaction, that you  played a small part in carrying out the Great
Commission to  reach this  perishing generation with the gospel of everlasting life. 
 Witness God’s  Love with GO! Tracts that Clearly Explain How to Receive Eternal  Salvation!
 Do  Something Significant For The Kingdom of God While You Are Able  To!
 Jesus is Coming  Back Soon! Time is Running Out Fast!



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