Selling my league of legends account.  The friends I have played with for years have all moved on so I am doing the same.  Account was created in 2012 or 2013.  Past 5ish years have been either ARAM or TFT.  Best I ever did in ranked was Silver and that was years ago.  TFT was Diamond and Plat ranked usually.  But the past few sets I basically stuck to hyperoll in that and I am hypertier (the top ranking)  there as well.  Was top 100 in hyperoll the previous set and not far off of it this set.  Many years of Level 5 Honor.  Currently honor level 3 almost 4 for this season.  Never been banned or chat restricted.   I have all of the champions, a ton of skins and a ton of little legends for TFT as well.  Screen shots can verify what the account has but some highlights are:

Feel free to message me with any questions.  Once paid, I will message you and ask for the email you would like to assign to the account.  Once completed I will message you again with the password and login info.  You can then change the password to one of your choice.  The account will then be controlled by you and I will no longer have access.  All sales are final.