VMWare Fusion for Mac version 1.1

Comes with Disk and serial number

VMWare Fusion
Run Windows on Mac along with hundreds of other operating systems.

VMWare Fusion V. 1.1 for the Mac

VMware Fusion allows you to run your favorite PC applications on your Intel-based Mac. Designed from the ground up for the Mac user, VMware Fusion makes it easy to take advantage of the security, flexibility, and portability of virtual machines to run Windows and other x86 operating systems side-by-side with Mac OS X.

What Is a Virtual Machine?

A virtual machine is software that behaves just as a physical computer does. A virtual machine contains a display, a hard disk, one or more processors, memory, a CD/DVD drive, a network adapter, and a USB controller—all virtualized. That is, these elements of a virtual machine are all created by software and stored in files on your Mac. The virtual machine runs in a window on your Intel-based Mac. You install an operating system and applications in the virtual machine and operate it as you would a physical computer. The Mac that you run a virtual machine on is sometimes referred to as the host. In this context, the virtual machine is referred to as a guest. 


This is Version 1.1; please make sure it runs on your system.

The official System Requirements are:

Any Mac with an Intel 1.5GHz or faster processor.

MacOSX version 10.4.9 or higher 

BUT I find it CAN'T be installed on a 2012 Mac pro running Max Os X 10.13 High Sierra.




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