This special Bag 'O Sovrinty is being offered on a once in a lifetime basis.  The bag is hugely inflated but contains nothing but hot air.  But just imagine, you will be able to go down the pub and tell your mates that you got a Bag 'O Brexit Sovrinty.  I promise to put the bag in front of the telly box and fill it with the air from one of Johnson's speeches which will undoubtedly add to the bag's perceived value.

Due to the rise of Le Pen, Truss, Badenough, Risky, Mogg, Suella, Priti and the other ERG fascists, I have raised the price of this bag of Brexit wind ... but wait 

DUE TO THE BREXIT INDUCED COST OF LIVING CRISIS, I HAVE REDUCED THE PRICE OF THIS ITEM BY £5000.  Sure it won't heat your home, but you will feel the warm glow of knowing you are protected by your SOVRINTY !!

BUT, then I spoke with Liz Truss and have RAISED the price again due to the £100 BILLION that she and Kwasi blew on Trussonomics in just one WEEKEND ....

The bag is not just an empty bag.  No, it can be used to host a cat (pictured, but not supplied as part of this sale).  It can also be used to carry vegetables from the empty shelves at supermarkets (not supplied) or to contain pieces of gammon (not supplied).  Just think about it for a minute - this empty bag contains gas.  It won't light a fire but you might be able to persuade someone that it could be used to store gas in the shortages.

Payment strictly in ENGLISH Pounds, Shillings and Pecks.  The bag comes with a certificate that it won't hold millilitres or grammes.  It will ONLY accept fluid ounces, perches or stones.  The bag is guaranteed to be made of cheap materials which are banned in the EU and now allowed to be used in Brexit Britain due to the bonfire on environmental standards.

The bag has no overall value, but it's  PRICELESS !!  

Massive price rises for 2023 to reflect shortages of sovrinty !! 


This bag will be of absolute appeal to 17.4 million citizens of Brexit Britain.  Please be assured that all proceeds will go towards our campaign to Re-Boot Britain for two more years.  See 

Free broken toy, fake plastic tree, Nigel Farage football fantasy figure and out of date English pork sausage roll with every order, to appease your Brexity children.