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Evolution in a New Light

by Robert J. Gilson

The Creator - the ultimate Source - is seen as the Divine Imaginal; and the whole thrust of this book, whilst seeing evolution in a new light, adds further weight to the Fawcett hypothesis as well as to the later work of its verification in the field of science by Raynor Johnson in his 'Nurslings of Immortality'.

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Publisher Description

The Creator -- the ultimate Source -- is seen as the Divine Imaginal; and the whole thrust of this book, whilst seeing evolution in a new light, adds further weight to the Fawcett hypothesis as well as to the later work of its verification in the field of science by Raynor Johnson in his 'Nurslings of Immortality'.

Author Biography

Robert J Gilson


Author Robert J. Gilson
Publisher Pilgrim Books
Year 1992
ISBN-10 0946259402
ISBN-13 9780946259403
Publication Date 1992-01-01
Pages 177
Format Paperback
UK Release Date 1992-01-01
Imprint Pilgrim Books
Place of Publication Norwich
Country of Publication United Kingdom
AU Release Date 1992-01-01
NZ Release Date 1992-01-01
Subtitle The Outworking of Cosmic Imaginism
DEWEY 575.01
Audience General
