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The 10" release "Failure/Animus" is a significant piece in the discography of the American experimental rock band Swans. Here's some context and history surrounding this release:

1. **Band Background**: Swans, formed in 1982 by Michael Gira, is known for their abrasive and intense sound that traverses various genres including noise rock, post-punk, and industrial. Over the years, Swans has undergone multiple lineup changes with Gira being the only consistent member.

2. **Release Date**: "Failure/Animus" was released in 1995. This period marked a transitional phase for Swans, as they were experimenting with different sonic textures and approaches, moving away from their earlier, more aggressive sound.

3. **Musical Style**: "Failure/Animus" reflects Swans' evolution towards a more atmospheric and ambient sound compared to their earlier works characterized by relentless, pounding rhythms and cacophonous noise. This release showcased a more introspective and subdued side of the band, incorporating elements of folk, drone, and minimalism.

4. **Content**: The 10" release "Failure/Animus" contains two tracks: "Failure" and "Animus." These tracks are sprawling, minimalist compositions that evoke a sense of desolation and introspection. Michael Gira's deep, haunting vocals and the sparse instrumentation contribute to the overall atmosphere of the music.

5. **Reception and Legacy**: "Failure/Animus" received critical acclaim upon its release for its experimental nature and the band's willingness to push sonic boundaries. While it may not have achieved mainstream success, it is highly regarded among fans of experimental and avant-garde music. This release demonstrated Swans' versatility and ability to constantly evolve their sound.

6. **Impact**: "Failure/Animus" is seen as a pivotal release in Swans' discography, marking a transition towards the more atmospheric and experimental soundscapes that would characterize their later works. It serves as a testament to the band's willingness to challenge conventions and explore new sonic territories.

Overall, "Failure/Animus" stands as a testament to Swans' experimental spirit and their commitment to pushing the boundaries of rock music, cementing their status as one of the most innovative and influential bands in the alternative music scene.