The "32 Vedute ~ Ricordo di Napoli" from the 1920s is a fascinating piece of memorabilia for collectors and enthusiasts of historical maps and city views. This item is essentially a souvenir fold-out map or booklet, featuring 32 views ("vedute" in Italian) of Naples (Napoli), Italy. Such items were particularly popular among tourists in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, serving as keepsakes to remember their travels by or to share with friends and family back home.

The term "Ricordo di Napoli" translates to "Remembrance of Naples," indicating that this piece was created as a memento for visitors to recall the beauty and distinctiveness of the city. Naples, with its rich history, stunning architecture, and breath-taking landscapes, including the iconic Mount Vesuvius, has long been a magnet for travellers and artists alike.

Key Features of the "32 Vedute ~ Ricordo di Napoli":

1. **Vintage Views**: The 32 views included in this fold-out are likely to be a mix of famous landmarks, historical sites, and picturesque scenes that capture the essence of Naples in the early 20th century. Common subjects might include panoramic vistas of the city, detailed depictions of the historic centre, and scenic representations of the Bay of Naples and Vesuvius.

2. **Artistic Style**: The illustrations are typically rendered in a detailed and somewhat romanticized style, common to the period's tourist memorabilia. They might be lithographs, engravings, or early forms of photographic reproduction, depending on the exact publication date and the producer's preferences.

3. **Fold-Out Map or Booklet Format**: The format is designed to be compact and easily transportable, unfolding to reveal the series of images. This practical design made it an ideal souvenir for travellers who had limited luggage space.

4. **Historical and Cultural Value**: Today, items like the "32 Vedute ~ Ricordo di Napoli" are valued not just as collectibles but also for their historical and cultural significance. They offer insights into how early 20th-century tourists experienced and perceived Naples, highlighting the landmarks and views that were considered essential at the time. They also reflect the period's printing and art reproduction techniques.

5. **Collectability**: For collectors of vintage travel memorabilia, postcards, maps, and city views, a piece like this represents a specific moment in the history of travel and tourism. Its condition, rarity, and the quality of its illustrations can significantly affect its value and appeal.

Owning or examining a "32 Vedute ~ Ricordo di Napoli" provides a unique window into the past, showcasing Naples as it was presented to early 20th-century visitors. It encapsulates the allure of one of Italy's most storied cities at a time when travel was becoming increasingly accessible to the broader public, yet remained imbued with a sense of adventure and discovery.