None of these items are related to third party.

Th Dallas all-sports station kicked off 30 yrs ago w/a greeting from Skip Bayless bc he was about th biggest local newspaper guy in th Dallas Fort Worth dub.

He was fired after 6 mos because he's a major pain, and replaced by three guys that are still, 30 yrs later, the morning drive team.

Hang on, I swear this is goin somewhere.

For decades, of the top 20 most downloaded radio shows on iTunes, only two were local shows, th rest were BBC this, and NPR that, etc etc...  Th morning drive on th Ticket averaged the number 10 spot, and the afternoon, the 13 spot.

Every show on th Ticket (until a budgetary housecleaning during covid) had ratings better than every other station's 25-54 male demo... combined.  They're still number one in EVERY demo.

Even though th afternoon drive guys are gone, th seats have been filled by three guys that have been there for at least 25 yrs.

At their free events three times per year, they get upwards of 20,000 visitors from all over th world.

The Ticket invented 'guy talk'.  If you have a 'Ticket' radio statn in yer area, they ripped off th original DFW name, have since been sued, and prolly settled.  If they ripped off th logo, it was changed.  If they did a bit that resembled one on th Ticket, they were issued a Cease and Desist, and stopped doin th bit.

This promo stuff (much including "Ticket Chicks", and now VERY politically incorrect), there's no third party.  Th stuff (outside of th Guy's Guides and Ticket Chick calendars which contained advertising) is strictly to promote The Ticket...