This is a 210mm f/5.6 Schneider Componon flat-

field close-up / enlarging lens mounted in a

modern Copal no.1 shutter for use on 5x7 or

smaller view or field cameras.


Also included is the original enlarging lens mount

for use as an enlarging lens.


The lens was made in Germany.  It is coated, and

in good optical condition without significant

scratches or cleaning marks.


I used it to photograph artwork such as paintings

and drawings on my 4x5 Toyo view camera.


The shutter is clean and working properly,

including x-sync for electronic flash.


Shutter speeds are 1 – 1/400th seconds plus B

(Bulb) and T (Time).  Flash sync can be set for B

(flashbulbs) or X (electronic flash).  Apertures can

be set from f/5.6 to f/45.