Leica MP 0.72 10301 Silver 2018 (recent CLA).


Purchased from store 'Schouten Select' (NL) on 29/03/2023. Only took one roll of photos. Technically and cosmetically in perfect order. No damage whatsoever. I had it checked by 'Camera Revival' before sale (see shutter speed report in photos). Light meter works flawlessly. I have another Leica that I use, so I no longer have a need for the Leica MP.

About the Leica MP:
Mechanical perfection! Nothing else. The Leica MP is a handmade tool made for the professional photographer. Tailored to the decisive photographic parameters. In compact form, sleek design, clear, striking, quiet and reliable. Concentrated technology for significant photography, without the distraction of automation. 

Modern yet retro because the camera represents the present in a retro guise. Modern because the specifications are different. Traditional, because it is based on the poor experiences of the pioneer in 35mm camera construction. Not a photographic trend, but a camera for life!

The MP 0.72 is a fully mechanical camera, where the battery is only needed to operate the internal light meter. All controls are made of metal, so it can withstand intensive use in extreme conditions. Tech gadgets are deliberately limited to the features that really help create a better image.