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The Salmon of Doubt

by Douglas Adams

From the unfathomable imagination of Douglas Adams, this is his internationally bestselling final book; a zany collection of essays, articles, anecdotes, and stories.

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Publisher Description

"A fitting eulogy to the master of wacky words and even wackier tales . . . Salmon leaves no doubt as to Adams's lasting legacy."—Entertainment Weekly

With an introduction to the introduction by Terry Jones

Douglas Adams changed the face of science fiction with his cosmically comic novel The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and its classic sequels. Sadly for his countless admirers, he hitched his own ride to the great beyond much too soon. Culled posthumously from Adams's fleet of beloved Macintosh computers, this selection of essays, articles, anecdotes, and stories offers a fascinating and intimate portrait of the multifaceted artist and absurdist wordsmith.

Join Adams on an excursion to climb Kilimanjaro . . . dressed in a rhino costume; peek into the private life of Genghis Khan—warrior and world-class neurotic; root for the harried author's efforts to get a Hitchhiker movie off the ground in Hollywood; thrill to the further exploits of private eye Dirk Gently and two-headed alien Zaphod Beeblebrox. Though Douglas Adams is gone, he's left us something very special to remember him by. Without a doubt.

"Worth reading and even cherishing, if only because it's the last we'll hear from the master of comic science fiction."—The Star-Ledger

Back Cover

With an Introduction to the Introduction by Terry Jones Douglas Adams changed the face of science fiction (to a uniquely and irresistibly funny one) with his cosmically comic novel The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and its classic sequels. Sadly for his countless admirers, he hitched his own ride to the great beyond much too soon. But for anyone who ever laughed out loud at the absurdist adventures of Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect, chuckled knowingly at the daffy definitions detailed in The Meaning of Liff, or experienced the wonders of encountering endangered species in Last Chance to See, here's a wonderful opportunity to revel in the droll wit, off-the-wall humor, and keenly inquiring mind of Douglas Adams just one more time. Culled posthumously from Adams's fleet of beloved Macintosh computers, this selection of essays, articles, anecdotes, and stories offers a fascinating and intimate portrait of the multifaceted artist-as a devout Beatles and Bach fan, radical atheist, enthusiastic technophile, crusading conservationist, and of course delightful wordsmith. Join him on an excursion to climb Kilimanjaro ... dressed in a rhino costume; peek into the private life of Genghis Khan-warrior, conqueror, and world-class neurotic; root for the harried author's efforts to get a Hitchhiker movie off the ground in Hollywood; thrill to (and laugh at) the further exploits of private eye Dirk Gently and two-headed alien Zaphod Beeblebrox. In the immortal words of The Hitchhiker's Guide, "Don't panic!"-though our friend Douglas Adams is gone, he's left us something very special to remember him by. Without a doubt.

Author Biography

Douglas Adams was born in 1952 and created all the various and contradictory manifestations of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: radio, novels, TV, computer games, stage adaptations, comic book, and bath towel. He was born in Cambridge and lived with his wife and daughter in Islington, London, before moving to Santa Barbara, California, where he died suddenly in 2001.


"A fitting eulogy to the master of wacky words and even wackier tales . . . Salmon leaves no doubt as to Adams's lasting legacy."—Entertainment Weekly

"Worth reading and even cherishing, if only because it's the last we'll hear from the master of comic science fiction."—The Star-Ledger 

"You are on the verge of entering the wise, provoking, benevolent, hilarious, and addictive world of Douglas Adams. Don't bolt it all whole—as with Douglas's beloved Japanese food, what seems light and easy to assimilate is subtler and more nutritious by far than it might at first appear."—Stephen Fry, author of The Liar and Making History: A Novel

Review Quote

"A fitting eulogy to the master of wacky words and even wackier tales . . . Salmon leaves no doubt as to Adams's lasting legacy." -- Entertainment Weekly "Worth reading and even cherishing, if only because it's the last we'll hear from the master of comic science fiction." -- The Star-Ledger "You are on the verge of entering the wise, provoking, benevolent, hilarious, and addictive world of Douglas Adams. Don't bolt it all whole--as with Douglas's beloved Japanese food, what seems light and easy to assimilate is subtler and more nutritious by far than it might at first appear." --Stephen Fry, author of The Liar and Making History: A Novel

Excerpt from Book

Young Zaphod Plays It Safe A large flying craft moved swiftly across the surface of an astoundingly beautiful sea. From midmorning onward it plied back and forth in great, widening arcs, and at last attracted the attention of the local islanders, a peaceful, seafood-loving people who gathered on the beach and squinted up into the blinding sun, trying to see what was there. Any sophisticated, knowledgable person who had knocked about, seen a few things, would probably have remarked on how much the craft looked like a filing cabinet-a large and recently burgled filing cabinet lying on its back with its drawers in the air and flying. The islanders, whose experience was of a different kind, were instead struck by how little it looked like a lobster. They chattered excitedly about its total lack of claws, its stiff, unbendy back, and the fact that it seemed to experience the greatest difficulty staying on the ground. This last feature seemed particularly funny to them. They jumped up and down on the spot a lot to demonstrate to the stupid thing that they themselves found staying on the ground the easiest thing in the world. But soon this entertainment began to pall for them. After all, since it was perfectly clear to them that the thing was not a lobster, and since their world was blessed with an abundance of things that were lobsters (a good half a dozen of which were now marching succulently up the beach towards them), they saw no reason to waste any more time on the thing, but decided instead to adjourn immediately for a late lobster lunch. At that exact moment the craft stopped suddenly in midair, then upended itself and plunged headlong into the ocean with a great crash of spray that sent the islanders shouting into the trees. When they reemerged, nervously, a few minutes later, all they were able to see was a smoothly scarred circle of water and a few gulping bubbles. That''s odd, they said to each other between mouthfuls of the best lobster to be had anywhere in the Western Galaxy, that''s the second time that''s happened in a year. The craft that wasn''t a lobster dived directly to a depth of two hundred feet, and hung there in the heavy blueness, while vast masses of water swayed about it. High above, where the water was magically clear, a brilliant formation of fish flashed away. Below, where the light had difficulty reaching, the colour of the water sank to a dark and savage blue. Here, at two hundred feet, the sun streamed feebly. A large, silk-skinned sea mammal rolled idly by, inspecting the craft with a kind of half-interest, as if it had half expected to find something of this kind round about here, and then it slid on up and away towards the rippling light. The craft waited here for a minute or two, taking readings, and then descended another hundred feet. At this depth it was becoming seriously dark. After a moment or two the internal lights of the craft shut down, and in the second or so that passed before the main external beams suddenly stabbed out, the only visible light came from a small, hazily illuminated pink sign that read, the beeblebrox salvage and really wild stuff corporation. The huge beams switched downwards, catching a vast shoal of silver fish, which swivelled away in silent panic. In the dim control room that extended in a broad bow from the craft''s blunt prow, four heads were gathered round a computer display that was analysing the very, very faint and intermittent signals that were emanating from deep on the seabed. "That''s it," said the owner of one of the heads finally. "Can we be quite sure?" said the owner of another of the heads. "One hundred per cent positive," replied the owner of the first head. "You''re one hundred per cent positive that the ship which is crashed on the bottom of this ocean is the ship which you said you were one hundred per cent positive could one hundred per cent positively never crash?" said the owner of the two remaining heads. "Hey"-he put up two of his hands-"I''m only asking." The two officials from the Safety and Civil Reassurance Administration responded to this with a very cold stare, but the man with the odd, or rather the even number of heads, missed it. He flung himself back on the pilot couch, opened a couple of beers-one for himself and the other also for himself-stuck his feet on the console, and said "Hey, baby," through the ultra-glass at a passing fish. "Mr. Beeblebrox . . ." began the shorter and less reassuring of the two officials in a low voice. "Yup?" said Zaphod, rapping a suddenly empty can down on some of the more sensitive instruments. "You ready to dive? Let''s go." "Mr. Beeblebrox, let us make one thing perfectly clear . . ." "Yeah, let''s," said Zaphod. "How about this for a start. Why don''t you just tell me what''s really on this ship." "We have told you," said the official. "By-products." Zaphod exchanged weary glances with himself. "By-products," he said. "By-products of what?" "Processes," said the official. "What processes?" "Processes that are perfectly safe." "Santa Zarquana Voostra!" exclaimed both of Zaphod''s heads in chorus. "So safe that you have to build a zarking fortress ship to take the by-products to the nearest black hole and tip them in! Only it doesn''t get there because the pilot does a detour-is this right?-to pick up some lobster? Okay, so the guy is cool, but . . . I mean own up, this is barking time, this is major lunch, this is stool approaching critical mass, this is . . . this is . . . total vocabulary failure! "Shut up!" his right head yelled at his left. "We''re flanging!" He got a good calming grip on the remaining beer can. "Listen, guys," he resumed after a moment''s peace and contemplation. The two officials had said nothing. Conversation at this level was not something to which they felt they could aspire. "I just want to know," insisted Zaphod, "what you''re getting me into here." He stabbed a finger at the intermittent readings trickling over the computer screen. They meant nothing to him, but he didn''t like the look of them at all. They were all squiggly, with lots of long numbers and things. "It''s breaking up, is that it?" he shouted. "It''s got a hold full of epsilonic radiating aorist rods or something that''ll fry this whole space sector for zillions of years back, and it''s breaking up. Is that the story? Is that what we''re going down to find? Am I going to come out of that wreck with even more heads?" "It cannot possibly be a wreck, Mr. Beeblebrox," insisted the official. "The ship is guaranteed to be perfectly safe. It cannot possibly break up." "Then why are you so keen to go and look at it?" "We like to look at things that are perfectly safe." "Freeeooow!" "Mr. Beeblebrox," said the official patiently, "may I remind you that you have a job to do?" "Yeah, well maybe I don''t feel so keen on doing it all of a sudden. What do you think I am, completely without any moral whatsits, what are they called, those moral things?" "Scruples?" "Scruples, thank you, whatsoever? Well?" The two officials waited calmly. They coughed slightly to help pass the time. Zaphod sighed a what-is-the-world-coming-to sort of sigh to absolve himself from all blame, and swung himself round in his seat. "Ship?" he called. "Yup?" said the ship. "Do what I do." The ship thought about this for a few milliseconds and then, after double-checking all the seals on its heavy-duty bulkheads, it began slowly, inexorably, in the hazy blaze of its lights, to sink to the lowest depths. Five hundred feet. A thousand. Two thousand. Here, at a pressure of nearly seventy atmospheres, in the chilling depths where no light reaches, nature keeps its most heated imaginings. Two-foot-long nightmares loomed wildly into the bleaching light, yawned, and vanished back into the blackness. Two and a half thousand feet. At the dim edges of the ship''s lights, guilty secrets flitted by with their eyes on stalks. Gradually the topography of the distantly approaching ocean bed resolved with greater and greater clarity on the computer displays until at last a shape could be made out that was separate and distinct from its surroundings. It was like a huge, lopsided, cylindrical fortress that widened sharply halfway along its length to accommodate the heavy ultra-plating with which the crucial storage holds were clad, and which were supposed by its builders to have made this the most secure and impregnable spaceship ever built. Before launch, the material structure of this section had been battered, rammed, blasted, and subjected to every assault its builders knew it could withstand, in order to demonstrate that it could withstand them. The tense silence in the cockpit tightened perceptibly as it became clear that it was this section that had broken rather neatly in two. "In fact it''s perfectly safe," said one of the officials. "It''s built so that even if the ship does break up, the storage holds cannot possibly be breached." Three thousand eight hundred twenty-five feet. Four Hi-Presh-A SmartSuits moved slowly out of the open hatchway of the salvage craft and waded through the barrage of its lights towards the monstrous shape that loomed darkly out of the sea night. They moved with a sort of clumsy grace, near weightless though


Author Douglas Adams
Language English
ISBN-10 0345460952
ISBN-13 9780345460950
Media Book
Format Paperback
Illustrations Yes
Year 2003
Residence London, ENK
Birth 1952
Death 2001
Affiliation Purdue University, USA
Series Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
DOI 10.1604/9780345460950
Place of Publication New York
Country of Publication United States
AU Release Date 2003-07-29
NZ Release Date 2003-07-29
US Release Date 2003-07-29
UK Release Date 2003-07-29
Subtitle Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time
Pages 336
Publisher Random House USA Inc
Publication Date 2003-07-29
Imprint Random House Inc
Audience General
