Come Away, Come Away, Death
Who Is Silvia?
Fear No More the Heat O' the Sun
O Mistress Mine
It Was a Lover and His Lass
Caleno Custure Me
It Was a Lover and His Lass
Take, O, Take Those Lips Away
O Mistress Mine
Where the Bee Sucks
Full Fathom Five
An Silvia, D891
She Never Told Her Love
Come Away, Death
Under the Greenwood Tree
Pretty Ring Time
Sweet and Twenty
Desdemona's Song
Come Away, Death
Adieu, Good Man Devil
Come Unto These Yellow Sands
Full Fathom Five
Where the Bee Sucks
Musick to Hear
Full Fadom Five
Spring (When Daisies Pied)
When That I Was and a Little Tiny Boy

Format: CD (1 Disc)

Country: USA

Release Date: 23 September, 2016

Label: Warner Classics

Dimensions: 13.3 x 1.5 x 14.6 centimeters (0.13 kg)