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What I Know Now

by Ellyn Spragins

A compilation of letters written by forty women presents a collection of wisdom, advice, and insights that they wish they had possessed when they were younger but instead had to learn the hard way.

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Publisher Description

If you could send a letter back through time to your younger self, what would the letter say?

In this moving collection, forty-one famous women write letters to the women they once were, filled with advice and insights they wish they had had when they were younger.

Today show correspondent Ann Curry writes to herself as a rookie reporter in her first job, telling herself not to change so much to fit in, urging her young self, "It is time to be bold about who you really are." Country music superstar Lee Ann Womack reflects on the stressed-out year spent recording her first album and encourages her younger self to enjoy the moment, not just the end result. "Your hair matters far, far less than you think," is the wry advice that begins the letter bestselling mystery writer Lisa Scottoline pens to her twenty-year old self. And Maya Angelou, leaving home at seventeen with a newborn baby in her arms, assures herself she will succeed on her own, even if she does return home every now and then.

These remarkable women are joined by Madeleine Albright, Queen Noor of Jordan, Cokie Roberts, Naomi Wolf, Eileen Fisher, Jane Kaczmarek, Olympia Dukakis, Macy Gray, and many others. Their letters contain rare glimpses into the personal lives of extraordinary women and powerful wisdom that readers will treasure.

Wisdom from What I Know Now

"Don't let anybody raise you. You've been raised." –Maya Angelou

"Try more things. Cross more lines." –Breena Clarke

"Learn how to celebrate." –Olympia Dukakis

"You don't have to be afraid of living alone." –Eileen Fisher

"Please yourself first…everything else follows." –Macy Gray

"Don't be so quick to dismiss another human being." –Barbara Boxer

"Work should not be work." –Mary Matalin

"You can leave the work world—and come back on your own terms." –Cokie Roberts

"Laundry will wait very patiently." –Nora Roberts

"Your hair matters far, far less than you think" –Lisa Scottoline

"Speak the truth but ride a fast horse." –Kitty Kelley

Author Biography

ELLYN SPRAGINS is an editor at large for Fortune Small Business. She wrote the "Love and Money" column in the New York Times business section for three years. She first edited five of these letters for an issue of O, The Oprah Magazine. She lives in Pennington, New Jersey, with her family.


"What these letters offer . . . is hope—hope that those who read them will understand that there is a future where the road not taken is no longer regretted, and, in the end, the choices we make, make us who we are." —Boston Globe

Long Description

If you could send a letter back through time to your younger self, what would the letter say? In this moving collection, forty-one famous women write letters to the women they once were, filled with advice and insights they wish they had had when they were younger. "Today" show correspondent Ann Curry writes to herself as a rookie reporter in her first job, telling herself not to change so much to fit in, urging her young self, "It is time to be bold about who you really are." Country music superstar Lee Ann Womack reflects on the stressed-out year spent recording her first album and encourages her younger self to enjoy the moment, not just the end result. "Your hair matters far, far less than you think," is the wry advice that begins the letter bestselling mystery writer Lisa Scottoline pens to her twenty-year old self. And Maya Angelou, leaving home at seventeen with a newborn baby in her arms, assures herself she" will" succeed on her own, even if she does return home every now and then. These remarkable women are joined by Madeleine Albright, Queen Noor of Jordan, Cokie Roberts, Naomi Wolf, Eileen Fisher, Jane Kaczmarek, Olympia Dukakis, Macy Gray, and many others. Their letters contain rare glimpses into the personal lives of extraordinary women and powerful wisdom that readers will treasure. Wisdom from "What I Know Now" "Don't let anybody raise you. You've been raised." -Maya Angelou "Try more things. Cross more lines." -Breena Clarke "Learn how to celebrate." -Olympia Dukakis "You don't have to be afraid of living alone." -Eileen Fisher "Please yourself first...everything else follows." -Macy Gray "Don't be so quick to dismiss anotherhuman being." -Barbara Boxer "Work should not be work." -Mary Matalin "You can leave the work world--and come back on your own terms." -Cokie Roberts "Laundry will wait very patiently." -Nora Roberts "Your hair matters far, far less than you think" -Lisa Scottoline "Speak the truth but ride a fast horse." -Kitty Kelley

Review Quote

"What these letters offer . . . is hopehope that those who read them will understand that there is a future where the road not taken is no longer regretted, and, in the end, the choices we make, make us who we are." Boston Globe

Description for Reading Group Guide

In touching, inspiring, and heartfelt letters, more than 40 of the most notable women in modern history reveal wishes for their younger selves. As one might expect, the letters such driven and ambitious women might write to their younger selves include advice to slow down, to have fun, to appreciate lifeadvice most modern women could use. But in addition, these remarkable letters give us a frank and penetrating insight into who these women were and are, from the floundering actress that is a young Camryn Manheim, to Kitty Kelley on the brink of releasing her controversial book, The Family , to a fledgling reporter, Ann Curry, as she attempts to shed her uniqueness to fit in with mainstream media. Stay true to yourself. Don't be afraid to spread your wings. Be smart about the risks you take. The wisdom in these letters is hard won, battle proved, and above all, gifted with love. The questions below are designed to help guide your discussion of the book.

Discussion Question for Reading Group Guide

1. If you had the chance to send a letter to a younger version of yourself, how would you approach the task? What moment would you choose, and why? 2. If you discovered that an older version of yourself had sent you a letter, what would you expect it to say? 3. In the introduction, Ellyn Spragins explains her motivation for this project as filling part of the gap left by the loss of her own mother. What do you think of the task itself? Did the motivation strike a chord with you? What other reasons can you see for such an undertaking? What benefit is there to the editor of an anthology like this? How is it similar to what the reader or the letter-writer herself gains from the experience? How does it differ? 4. What do you think motivates the advice in the book? Is there any commonality about how the modern-day women see their younger selves? 5. What themes in the book do you find most striking? Is this the type of advice you expected that accomplished women would want to impart to their younger selves? 6. How do the writers use the letters to themselves--i.e., are they trying to change history, improve their lot, show love? What other ways could a letter such as these be used? 7. Many of the letters in the book encourage the younger selves simply to pay attention to instinctwhether passing up a photo shoot that doesn't feel right or backing out of an engagement that's progressing for all the wrong reasons. Is this good advice for all women? Are there any times in your own life when instinct has led you wrong? Any notable times when instinct has saved you from trouble? 8. One theme that ties together many of the letters in What I Know Now is the struggle of busy, successful women to balance work and family. In this book, the women seem to overwhelmingly resolve that focusing on family is a critical priority, and deserves all the attention it can get. Do you think this resolution is consistent in the book only because these are such driven and ambitious women, or is this a universal truth? Reflecting on your own life, do you have any regrets about having chosen life over work or vice versa? 9. Some of the letter writers, such as Jane Kaczmarek and Macy Gray, use the opportunity of the letter to point out to their younger selves the low point of their life or career so far. Others, such as Picabo Street, encourage their younger selves to simply enjoy the highest points. What do you think of this concept of a life lived between peaks and nadirs? Is it possible to see and recognize these points as they're happening, or only in retrospect? 10. Discuss the trouble the younger selves seem to have enjoying and appreciating life. Do you think giving up some of life's joy is a necessary compromise for ambitious people, and women in particular? Why or why not? 11. Since the featured women are writing to their younger selves, the letters are necessarily addressed back in timesometimes by several decades. Do you think any of the advice in the book is outdated or ahead of the time it's addressed to? What, if anything, can it teach us about the evolution of women's place in society and the workplace? 12. The author's realization is that all women have something to teach all other women, that we are all mothers to each other, led her to seek out the women in this book. Do you think this concept can be expanded to include all people, not just women? Is there anyone not included in this book, male or female, whose letter you would like to see? What is it about the female experience in particular that is unique and lends itself to this kind of exercise?

Excerpt from Book

Madeleine Albright Former Secretary of State "You''ve got the guts to find your own purpose." It''s odd to think of a former secretary of state as someone who worries about fitting in, but for a long time Madeleine Albright did. In a group, she paid attention rather than interrupt. Sitting in her roomy office at the Albright Group, in Washington, D.C., Madeleine recalled her need to be liked and accepted with no regrets. "In the end I don''t think it was a disadvantage. Wanting and needing to be liked is part of what got me to where I am." Wearing a red suit and brown leather Lucchese cowboy boots when I met her, Madeleine, sixty-nine, seduced me with her forthright, unpretentious manner. She treated me as an equal, even though I''ve never owned cowboy boots or a cabinet title. Smaller than I expected, she held her body very still during our meeting. Her blue eyes seemed to swallow my words with a gravity that lingered even when she laughed. Don''t forget this is a woman who has spent numberless hours with world leaders, including Pope John Paul II, the Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, and grappled with genocide, war, U.S. embassy bombings, and U.S. cruise missile attacks on suspected terrorist camps in Afghanistan, among other crises. Born Marie Jana Korbel in Prague, Madeleine and her family emigrated to the United States when she was a child. Apple-cheeked and round in high school, as she describes herself, Madeleine worked hard to seem casual and American. Her efforts were often undone by a serious streak that revealed itself through bossy outbursts, such as when she turned in a fellow student for talking during study hall. After attending Kent, a private girls'' school in Denver, Madeleine went to Wellesley College on scholarship and married journalist Joe Albright three days after graduating. Her letter is addressed to herself in the spring of 1982, at age forty-four, when she was still reeling from the breakdown of her marriage of twenty-three years. Shortly after Joe announced that he wanted a divorce, she accepted an offer to join the faculty at Georgetown University School of Foreign Service. At that time in her life she had already earned a master of arts and a Ph.D. from Columbia University, acted as chief legislative assistant to Senator Edmund Muskie, and worked on the National Security Council''s staff. In her new position, she was charged with creating a program that would encourage women to enter international relations, and she was expected to serve as a role model for those young women. Dear Madeleine, You will get through this fog and uncertainty--and you''ll do it in the best possible way. You won''t become cynical, stoical, or hard-bitten over the loss you''re feeling. Over the next ten years you''ll rebuild and reinvent yourself, finding success--and tremendous satisfaction. The truth is, you''ve got the guts to find your own purpose and the integrity to fulfill it on your own terms. Your parents taught you to strive to achieve all you can, with the gifts that you have. Now you''re about to direct those gifts toward finding your voice and using it to serve your country in ways that will surprise you. When your students ask you how you have managed to be married and have children and work at the same time, you feel like a phony because you think you haven''t succeeded at that. It''s hard to feel qualified as a role model. But you are. It will take years before you realize that you already are a good role model. But ultimately you''ll inspire far more women than you''d ever predict. Twenty-three years from now when women say that they''re choosing a career in international relations, the thing you''ll enjoy most is telling them that there is no formula, that everybody must choose their own path. With confidence, Madeleine Maya Angelou Poet, Author, Playwright "Don''t let anybody raise you. You''ve been raised." Born Marguerite Johnson, Dr. Maya Angelou was raised by her mother, Lady Vivian Baxter, a self-possessed, successful entrepreneur and businesswoman who owned a hotel and wore diamonds in her ears. Unmarried, Marguerite was pregnant when she finished high school in the summer of 1945. Her son was born in September and she decided to leave home two months later. Leaving the comfort of her mother''s big house, which had live-in help, was characteristic of Dr. Angelou''s courage and fierce sense of independence. She has gone on to embrace--and excel at--a dizzying array of disciplines. She speaks French, Italian, Spanish, and West African Fanti. She has danced onstage, composed music, written plays, directed and acted in movies. In the 1960s, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., asked her to become the northern coordinator for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and in 1993, President-elect Bill Clinton requested that she write a poem for his inauguration. Dr. Angelou has written prodigiously: six autobiographies, including the best-selling I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings , published by Random House in 1969; three children''s books; six plays and two screenplays; numerous books of poetry and other books. Just Give Me a Cool Drink of Water ''fore I Diiie , a collection of her poetry, earned a Pulitzer Prize nomination in 1971. In 1981, she was appointed to a lifetime post as Reynolds Professor of American Studies at Wake Forest University. This avalanche of achievement could not have seemed more improbable on the day the seventeen-year-old Marguerite left her mother''s house with a two-month-old son in her arms. She had found a job, a room with cooking privileges down the hall, and a landlady who would baby-sit. Here is what Dr. Angelou, seventy-eight, would say to her younger self. Dear Marguerite, You''re itching to be on your own. You don''t want anybody telling you what time you have to be in at night or how to raise your baby. You''re going to leave your mother''s big comfortable house and she won''t stop you, because she knows you too well. But listen to what she says: When you walk out of my door, don''t let anybody raise you--you''ve been raised. You know right from wrong. In every relationship you make, you''ll have to show readiness to adjust and make adaptations. Remember, you can always come home. You will go home again when the world knocks you down--or when you fall down in full view of the world. But only for two or three weeks at a time. Your mother will pamper you and feed you your favorite meal of red beans and rice. You''ll make a practice of going home so she can liberate you again--one of the greatest gifts, along with nurturing your courage, that she will give you. Be courageous, but not foolhardy. Walk proud as you are, Maya Rachel Ashwell Creator of Shabby Chic "Don''t leave school just yet." Deep pillows and feather beds are at hand. Plump armchairs wear slouchy white denim or cream linen slipcovers. Worn tables bear honorable scars and nicks. In the unpretentious slipcover and flea market world of Rachel Ashwell, coziness counts more than pedigree. A self-taught designer and entrepreneur who grew up in Britain, Rachel, forty-six, says her biggest fear is mediocrity. To her, an ordinary decor looks familiar--because it''s been done before. "Mediocrity is a superficial effort--what happens when a project is done without passion," she says. Her company, Rachel Ashwell Shabby Chic, based in Los Angeles, celebrates plain design and refurnished furniture, edited by a strict "Less is more" principle. "I can''t bear cluttered closets. A cluttered cupboard is a cluttered mind," she says. The concept has lured customers around the world, including celebrities like Britney Spears and Pamela Anderson. Her fifteen-year-old company, with more than $10 million in revenues and 125 employees, is expanding quickly. In addition to six stores, five books, and a TV show associated with the company, Rachel Ashwell Shabby Chic spread in 2004 to department stores like Bloomingdale''s (with a new line of sleepwear) and Target stores (with bedding, furniture, rugs, and other products for the kitchen, living room, and elsewhere). Despite her successful track record, until recently Rachel was uncomfortable if someone she didn''t know approached her at a party. She explains why in her letter, written to herself at age sixteen, when she dropped out of school. "In America people think of everybody in Britain as Cambridge- or Oxford-educated and madly intellectual, but they''re not," she says. After dropping out, she found employment as an au pair in Britain and moved in with the family she worked for. A few months later, she relocated into a room in a Council Flats building, which was government-subsidized and "pretty Dickensian," she says. Rachel''s working-class floor mates included quite a few drunks. Every tenant shared a hall bathroom. You had to put change into a meter for hot water. In time, of course, she became an expert at replacing hard edges and dark gloom with soft cushions and pastel colors. That feat is detailed in The Shabby Chic Home , an account of Rachel''s unglitzy renovation of her beloved Malibu home, which she later sold. Her special alchemy lies in the way she allows a room to answer to a primal need, described by poet Maya Angelou: "The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned." Dear Rachel, Don''t leave school just


Language English
ISBN-10 0767917898
ISBN-13 9780767917896
Media Book
Format Hardcover
Year 2006
Author Ellyn Spragins
Subtitle Letters to My Younger Self
DOI 10.1604/9780767917896
Place of Publication West Long Branch, NJ
Country of Publication United States
AU Release Date 2006-04-04
NZ Release Date 2006-04-04
US Release Date 2006-04-04
UK Release Date 2006-04-04
Pages 208
Publisher Kultur International Films
Publication Date 2006-04-04
Imprint Kultur International Films
DEWEY 155.633
Illustrations 26 B&W PHOTOS
Audience General
