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The Cosmos in Becoming

by Teresa Wong Yai-Chow

"And God saw everything that he had made ... on the sixth day". (Genesis). Thus the Hebrew Scriptures, the basis of the faith of the three great monotheistic traditions, describes the process of creation. This process is also part of traditional Chinese thought.

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Publisher Description

From the perspective human beings informed by the study of cosmology, there are three stages in the process of becoming: the beginning of the universe with the big bang, the origin of life on the planet, and the emergence of consciousness and rationality in homo sapiens. The volume begins with four papers by John Haught of Georgetown University, Washington, DC, looking at 'nature', 'cosmic purpose and science', 'Darwin and divine providence', and 'theology, ecology and cosmology'. From there the book is divided into three sections: Cosmology, Life and on Human Life. In this book there is an interwoveness, a constant interaction between Christian theology and Chinese religious belief on all three areas: looking at the origins and nature of life, and also human life once again from Christian and Chinese religious thought. Thus, key Christian theological thinkers such as Aquinas and Longeran are examined alongside Taoist and Buddhist figures.


Author Teresa Wong Yai-Chow
Language English
ISBN-10 1920691944
ISBN-13 9781920691943
Media Book
Format Paperback
Series Number 3
Imprint Australian Theological Forum
Place of Publication Hindmarsh, SA
Country of Publication Australia
Edited by Frank Buldenholzer
Subtitle Perspectives of Christianity and Chinese Religions
Series Fu Jen
DEWEY 202.4
UK Release Date 2008-12-31
AU Release Date 2008-12-31
NZ Release Date 2008-12-31
Pages 220
Publisher Australian Theological Forum
Year 2008
Publication Date 2008-12-31
Audience General
