A beautiful pair of Kidskin Leather Dress Gloves, made in France.


          * Brand:      Unknown - Made in France

          * Color:       Black

          * Condition: Good - See Photos

          * Material:   Veritable Chevreau (real kid) Leather


          * Size:  6-1/4 Stamped in Glove (Please check the following measurements to ensure a good fit.)

          * Inches Long:  10-1/2" (from tip of middle finger)

          * Inches Wide:  3-1/4" (Note this measurement X 2 would be 6-1/2", the same as the stamp size in the glove).

          * Vintage Glove Sizing - Vintage glove sizes ranged from 6 to 10 with half sizes included on that scale.

To determine your vintage glove size, use a flexible tape measure, and measure around the widest part of your hand (often just below the knuckles).