Color Sticks by Jim Jayes
Chinese Sticks on Steroids!

Terrific magic

Finally, a version of Chinese Sticks that makes sense!

You show two sticks of different colors. Each has a bead running thru to a tassel, which you demonstrate. Next, when you pull the tassel on one stick, the one on the other stick goes up!  This gets more and more impossible as you gradually separate the sticks. Finally something "breaks" and both tassels come down at once.  What to do then?  You reach for another stick, with yet another color, and when you pull that one down, the other two go up!

Beautifully contructed of hand-painted metal with smooth, quiet operation. Built like a tank. Brand new. Includes humorous and delightful script in the style of Dr. Seuss!

Shipping $3.95. Combined shipping - each additional trick - $2.00