ESTONIA - 2 € Euro commemorative coin 2024 - Estonian national flower, the cornflower. (uncirculated coin from roll)

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Eesti Pank (Bank of Estonia)  is issuing a two-euro coin dedicated to the Estonian national flower, the cornflower, on 21 May as part of the series of coins showing Estonian national symbols. The distinctive blue cornflower, Centaurea cyanus, was chosen as the Estonian national flower in 1968. The coin dedicated to the cornflower shows a stylised flower leaning towards the viewer in its natural environment of a windblown field of cereal. The flowers of the whole cornflower have an eight-pointed motif at the centre that is an Estonian folk design and symbol that is commonly found in traditional patterns as a sign of luck and a symbol of love.

Shipping and handling: International regular mail 3.50$. Registered mail is 8.50$.

Combined shipping available - each additional coin shipping and handling fee is 1.50$.