See photos for condition. Shipped media mail with insurance. 

420 Richard halpert ram dass cannabis psychology psych psychic wisdom psychedelic psychedelics psychedelia Woodstock Timothy Leary lsd Magic mushroom Grateful Dead hippy hippie culture Alan watts Taoism Buddhism Zen ethnobotany ethnobotanist Mythology Joseph Campbell Ralph metzner conscious consciousness cosmic cosmos astrology zodiac Scorpio alchemy alchemical alchemist Paracelsus Pythagoras Plato Rene Descartes syncretism astrotheology Peterson Jung C g Carl theosophical theosophy philosophical research society white magic black magic the ancient wisdom ocean of telepathy intuition h p b Helena horizon all seeing eye Illuminati freemasonry Ancient aliens ufo cosmic

Geometry geometric symbols symbolism mandala Wicca pagan Esoteric Crowley Blavatsky Madam theosophical Theosophy manly p Palmer hall alchemical alchemy 666 777 333 33 the secret doctrine Lemuria egypt Egyptology Atlantis Plato weiser philosophical research society orgone orgonite esp leadbeater besant alice bailey Tesla Manley astrology tarot

The particular texts in this collection were owned and utilized by a well-respected and cherished philosopher, occultist, astrologer, healer, and artist who would prefer to remain anonymous.

All materials there-in may, or may not, have markings ranging from checks, to underlining, to annotations.

Some may have loose pages, but ALL pages are present, and all text is legible. Some of these are quite old and will have accrued smell / light to moderate wear.

Should you have any questions regarding printing information, or more photos of the texts, please do not hesitate to ask.


I will not separate the items from this lot.


Titles included in the collection:


The Adepts in the Esoteric Classical Tradition - Part One : The Initiates of Greece and Rome (1981 – Booklet)

The Adepts in the Esoteric Classical Tradition - Part Two : Mystics and Mysteries of Alexandria (1988 – Booklet)


The Adepts in the Eastern Esoteric Tradition - Part One : The Light of the Vedas (1978 – Paperback)


The Adepts in the Eastern Esoteric Tradition - Part Two : The Arhats of Buddhism (1953 – Paperback)


The Adepts in the Eastern Esoteric Tradition - Part Three : The Sages of China (1957 – Booklet)

The Adepts in the Eastern Esoteric Tradition - Part Five : Venerated Teachers of the Jains, Sikhs, and Parsis  (1988 – Booklet)

The Adepts in the Western Esoteric Tradition - Part Three : Orders of Universal Reformation  (1974 – Booklet)

The Adepts in the Western Esoteric Tradition - Part Four : Masonic Orders of Fraternity (1995 – Booklet)

Adventures in Understanding (1969 – Hardcover / Dust Jacket)

Adventures in Understanding (2006 – Paperback)

The All-Seeing Eye – July MCMXXXI Volume 5 Number 10 (1931 – Booklet)

An Introduction to Dream Interpretation (1955 – 3rd Printing – Booklet)

The Apocalypse Attributed to St. John (1981 – Booklet)

Astrological Essays (1964 – Booklet)

Astrological Keywords (1958 – Hardcover / Dust Jacket)

Atlantis (1976 Revised Edition – Booklet)

Basic Principles of Domestic Psychology and Bringing Philosophy to Children (1964 - Booklet)


The Bible : The Story of a Book (2006 – Booklet)


The Blessed Angels (1996 – Paperback)


Buddha’s Sermon on the Mount (1957 – Booklet)


Buddhism and Psychotherapy – The Healing of Heart Doctrine (1967 – Hardcover / Dust Jacket)


Buddhism and Psychotherapy – The Healing of Heart Doctrine (1979 – Paperback)


Cabalistic Keys to the Lord’s Prayer (1964 – Booklet)


The Child's Place in the Plan (1929 – Booklet)

A Commentary Upon the Quiet Way (1955 – Booklet)

Collected Writings Volume 2 (1959 – Hardcover / Dust Jacket)

The Culture of the Mind (1984 – Booklet)

Death and After (1983 – Booklet)

Death and After (1939 – Small Booklet)

Death to Rebirth (1979 – Paperback)

Dionysian Artificers (By Hippolyto Joseph Da Costa) – A Reprint of the Rare Masonic Monograph with an Interpretation of The Myth of Dionysius (1975 – Hardcover / Dust Jacket)

E.A. Gordon – Pioneer in East West Religious Understanding : A Memorial Tribute (1975 – Booklet)

An Essay on the Fundamentals of Operative Occultism (1962 – Booklet)

Evolution and the Orthodox Church (1936 – Booklet)

Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians (1965 – 4th Edition Revised 6th Printing – Hardcover / Dust Jacket)

First Principles of Philosophy (1996 – Paperback)

The Four Seasons of the Spirit and Achieving the Miracle of Contentment (1974 – Booklet)

Friendship, Love and Beauty (1976 – Booklet)

From a Philosopher's Scrapbook  (1989 – Booklet)

Great Books on Religion and Esoteric Philosophy (1966 – Booklet)

Growing Up With Grandmother (1985 – Limited Edition of 2000 – Booklet)

The Guru by His Disciple as told to Manly Palmer Hall (1958 – Hardcover / Dust Jacket)

Healing : The Divine Art (1995 – Paperback)


Horizon Magazine – November December 1941 (Periodical Booklet)


Horizon Magazine – February 1942 (Periodical Booklet)


Horizon Magazine – April 1942 (Periodical Booklet)

Horizon Magazine - May 1942 (Periodical Booklet)

Horizon Magazine - October 1942 (Periodical Booklet)

Horizon Magazine - November 1942 (Periodical Booklet)

Horizon Magazine - December 1942 (Periodical Booklet)

Horizon Magazine - February 1943 (Periodical Booklet)

Horizon Magazine - March 1943 (Periodical Booklet)

Horizon Magazine - Autumn 1948 (Periodical Booklet)

How Belief in Rebirth Enriches Your Life (1956 – 2nd edition 2nd printing Booklet)


Hypnotism (1948 – Booklet)


Impressions of Modern Japan (1964 – Booklet)

Incompatibility, a Crisis in Modern Living (1956 – Booklet)

The Initiates of the Flame (2005 – Booklet)

The Inner Lives of Minerals Plants and Animals (1999 – Booklet)

The Inspiring Lives & Magnificent Words of Twelve World Teachers (1947 – 2nd Edition Revised – Hardcover / Dust Jacket)


Invisible Records of Thought and Action : The Theory and Practice of Psychometry and The Use and Abuse of the Natural Psychic Powers Within Us and Around Us (1975 – Booklet)

Is Each Individual Born With a Purpose? (1970 – Booklet)

Koyasan : Sanctuary of Esoteric Buddhism Lectures in Ancient Philosophy (1970 – Booklet)


Lectures on Ancient Philosophy (1947 – Hardcover / DJ)


Lectures on Ancient Philosophy – Companion to The Secret Teachings of All Ages (1984 Revised – Paperback)

Life Planning (1969 – Booklet)

The Little World of PRS (1982 – Booklet)

The Lost Keys of Freemasonry (1976 – Hardcover / Dust Jacket)


The Lost Keys of Freemasonry (2006 – Reader’s Edition)


The Lost Keys of Freemasonry (2000 – Paperback)


Magic (1978 Edition – Booklet)

Magic (2013 Edition – Booklet)

Man : Grand Symbol of the Mysteries (1972 – Paperback)


Man : Grand Symbol of the Mysteries (1932 – 4th Edition – Hardcover)

Master of the Mysteries : Expanded Edition (2016 – Paperback)

The Medicine of the Sun and Moon (1975 – Booklet)

Melchizedek and the Mystery of Fire (2013 Edition – Booklet)

The Mystery of the Holy Spirit (1973 – Booklet)

The Mystical Christ (1951 – 5th Printing – Hardcover)

Nature Spirits (1939 – Booklet)

The Noble Eightfold Path (1964 – Enlarged Booklet)


The Noble Eightfold Path (1937 – Small Booklet)

The Occult Anatomy of Man (1957 Edition – Booklet)


The Occult Anatomy of Man (1997 Edition – Booklet)


The Occult Anatomy of Man (2013 Edition – Booklet)


Old Testament Wisdom (1957 – Hardcover / Dust Jacket)


Orders of the Great Work : Alchemy (1976 – Hardcover)


Orders of Universal Reformation : Utopias (1976 – Hardcover / Dust Jacket)

Paracelsus : His Mystical and Medical Philosophy (1997 – Booklet)

Past Lives and Present Problems and How to Prepare for a Fortunate Rebirth (Booklet)


Pathways of Philosophy (1947 – Subscriber’s Edition – Hardcover / Dust Jacket)

Philosophy for the Sick (1953 – Booklet)

The Philosophy of Astrology (1976 – Booklet)

The Phoenix (1956 – Hardcover / Signed / Autographed / Inscribed) *Please see photos, as the quality of the book from the first 20 or so pages is deteriorated due to bookworms, yes, bookworms.*

The Piscean Age : A System of World Prophecy (1942 – Booklet)

Pluto in Libra : An Interpretation (1971 – Booklet)

Positive Uses of Psychic Energy (1980’s Edition – Booklet)

PRS Journal : Winter 1967 Volume 27 Number 3 (Booklet)

PRS Journal : Fall 1989 Volume 49 Number 3 (Booklet)

PRS Journal : Summer 1990 Volume 50 Number 2 (Booklet)

Psychoanalyzing the Twelve Zodiacal Types (1973 – Booklet)

The Psychology of Religious Ritual (1955 – Booklet)

Radio Talks on Philosophy and Psychology (1929 – Booklet)

Reincarnation : The Cycle of Necessity  (1971 – Hardcover / Dust Jacket)

Research on Reincarnation (1964 – 3rd Printing – Booklet)

The Riddle of the Rosicrucians (1941 Edition – Booklet)


The Riddle of the Rosicrucians (1999 Edition – Booklet)


The Road to Inner Light (2000 – Paperback)

The Sacred Magic of the Qabbalah (1996 Edition – Booklet)

The Sacred Magic of the Qabbalah (2013 Edition – Booklet)

Sages & Seers (1979 – Paperback)

Science and Immortality (1963 – Booklet)

Search for Reality - Part 1 - The Dark Night of the Soul - Lectures on Personal Growth (1998 – Booklet)

Search for Reality - Part 2 - Is Each Individual Born with a Purpose? - Lectures on Personal Growth (1960 - Booklet)

Search for Reality - Part 2 – Wisdom Beyond the Mind – Lectures on Personal Growth (1960 - Booklet)

Search for Reality - Part 8 - Mysticism and Mental Healing - Lectures on Personal Growth (1970’s - Booklet)

Search for Reality - Part 9 - The Lord Giveth and the Lord Taketh Away - Lectures on Personal Growth (1962 - Booklet)

The Secret Destiny of America (1991 – Paperback)

The Secret Teachings of All Ages (1977 – Hardcover)

The Secret Teachings of All Ages (1977 – Enlarged Paperback)

The Secret Teachings of All Ages (2020 – Reader's Edition Paperback)

Self-Unfoldment By Disciplines of Realization (1977 – Hardcover)

The Sermon on the Mount (1963 – 1st Edition 3rd Printing – Booklet)

Shadow Forms – A Collection of Occult Stories (1979 – Paperback / Limited Edition of 2000 / Numbered 2032 )

Short Talks on Many Subjects (1988 – Large Booklet)

Solving Psychic Problems (1950 Edition – Small Booklet)

Solving Psychic Problems and Submerged Personalities (1956 Edition)

The Space Born (1978 – Numbered 757/2000 – Paperback)


Spiritual Centers in Man (2013 Edition - Booklet)


Spiritual Centers in Man (1999 Edition - Booklet)


Spiritual Centers in Man (1988 Edition - Booklet)


The Story of Astrology (1943 – Hardcover / Dust Jacket)


Studies in Character Analysis (1980 – Booklet)


Super Faculties and Their Culture (1950 – Booklet)


Symbolic Essays : First Published Works of Manly P. Hall (1986 – Booklet)


The Symbolism of Light and Color (1976 – Booklet)


Talks to Students on Occult Philosophy – A Series of Manuscript Lectures Gathered into Booklet Form (1975 – Booklet)

The Tarot (1978 – Paperback)

Ten Basic Rules for Better Living (1953 – Booklet)

The Therapeutic Value of Music Including the Philosophy of Music (Booklet)

Think on These Things – The Wisdom of Manly P. Hall (1997 – Paperback)

Thirty-Thousand Miles of Impressions (Scarce / Rare 1925 – Booklet)

Unseen Forces (1978 – Paperback)

Unseen Forces that Affect our Lives (Special Edition for students of Learning to Live by Living to Learn) (1992 – Paperback)

The Value of Prayer in Psychological Integration (1955 – Booklet)


“Very Unusual” – The Wonderful World of Mr. K. Nakamura (1976 - Hardcover / First Limited Edition / Dust Jacket)

Visions and Metaphysical Experiences (1975 – Booklet)

A Vital Concept of Personal Growth (1956 – Booklet)

The Way of Heaven and Other Fantasies Told in the Manner of the Chinese - Includes Lady of Dreams (1990 – Paperback)

The Western Paradise of Amitabha (1962 – Booklet)

What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples : A Study Concerning the Mystery Schools (1982 – Booklet)

The White Bird of Tao (1964 – Large Booklet)

Wit and Wisdom of the Immortals (1987 – Booklet)

Woman, the Mother of all Living (1955 – Booklet)

Words to the Wise (1963 – Hardcover / Dust Jacket)

The Zen of the Bright Virtue (1971 – Enlarged Edition Booklet)

The Zen of the Bright Virtue (1991 – Small Edition Booklet)


Shipped with UPS or FedEx.

Shipping includes insurance, signature delivery, materials and energy.


Please see photos to properly assess condition to ensure you are happy with the items shape before purchasing, and feel free to ask questions for more photos and/or details! Thank you :)


SAME DAY HANDLING!!! (On orders placed before 1pm CST). Items will only ship to the address provided during checkout! We do combine shipping. Pay Pal Only.


Also, please contact us prior to leaving negative or neutral feedback. It is our goal for you to be completely satisfied!

Photos are considered part of the condition/description. What you see is what you get. All items sold AS IS.

Thank you for your interest!





Psilocybin psyche Jung Carl Terence Mckenna lsd acid drugs cosmonaut Grateful Dead phish Aldous Huxley Alan Watts Ram Dass Richard Halpert Occult dmt the rolling stones the Beatles Jimi Hendrix bob Dylan Neil young Ralph metzner poppies cosmic consciousness Tibetan book I Ching Buddha krishnamurti zen ufo alien alchemy transcendental magic magick Aleister Crowley tarot sepiroth Thoth hermes Egypt golden dawn psychology ethnobiology shamanism shaman ayahuasca mushroom shrooms myth imagination Blavatsky theosophical Don Juan Castaneda Native American esp cannabis CBD hallucination astrology astronomy alchemy akashic lemuria atlantis qi chi tao taoist taoism buddhism symbolism meta metaphysical occult occultic magick esoteric

420 Richard halpert ram dass cannabis psychology psych psychic wisdom psychedelic psychedelics psychedelia Woodstock Timothy Leary lsd Magic mushroom Grateful Dead hippy hippie culture Alan watts Taoism Buddhism Zen ethnobotany ethnobotanist Mythology Joseph Campbell Ralph metzner conscious consciousness cosmic cosmos astrology zodiac Scorpio alchemy alchemical alchemist Paracelsus Pythagoras Plato Rene Descartes Schopenhauer Jordan Peterson Jung C g Carl theosophical theosophy PRS philosophical research society white magic black magic the ancient wisdom ocean of telepathy intuition h p b Helena

Geometry geometric symbols symbolism mandala Wicca pagan

Esoteric Crowley Blavatsky Madam theosophical Theosophy manly p Palmer hall alchemical alchemy 666 777 333 33 the secret doctrine Lemuria ancient egypt Egyptology Atlantis Plato weiser philosophical research society orgone orgonite esp leadbeater Annie besant alice bailey occultism occultist occult


" Twelve World Teachers: A Summary Of Their Lives And Teachings " ... " Buddhism And Psychotherapy " ... " Man, The Grand Symbol Of The Mysteries " ... " Past Lives And Present Problems: And, How To Prepare For A Fortunate Rebirth " ... " What The Ancient Wisdom Expects Of Its Disciples: A Study Concerning The Mystery Schools " ... " The Secret Teachings Of All Ages " ... " The Occult Anatomy Of Man: To Which Is Added A Treatise On Occult Masonry " ... " Words To The Wise: A Practical Guide To The Occult Sciences " ... " Reincarnation: The Cycle Of Necessity " ... " The Secret Destiny Of America " ... " Old Testament Wisdom: Keys To Bible Interpretation " ... " Shadow Forms: A Collection Of Occult Stories " ... " The Space Born " ..." Self-Unfoldment By Disciplines Of Realization: Releasing And Developing The Inward Perceptions; Practical Instruction In The Philosophy Of Disciplined Thinking And Feeling " ... " Orders Of The Quest: The Holy Grail " ... " The Hermetic Marriage: Being A Study In The Philosophy Of The Thrice Greatest Hermes " ... " Psychoanalyzing The Twelve Zodiacal Types " ... " The Lost Keys Of Freemasonry: Or, The Secret Of Hiram Abiff " ... " The Ways Of The Lonely Ones: A Collection Of Mystical Allegories " ... " The Wisdom Of The Knowing Ones: Gnosticism, The Key To Esoteric Christianity " ... " Mysticism And Mental Healing: Lectures On Personal Growth " ... " Horizon: Journal Of The Philosophical Research Society V9, No. 4, Spring 1950 " ... " Sages And Seers " ... " Woman, The Mother Of All Living " ... " Incompatibility, A Crisis In Modern Living " ... " Questions And Answers: Fundamentals Of The Occult Sciences " ... " Atlantis: An Interpretation " ... " The Philosophy Of Astrology " ... "The Therapeutic Value Of Music " ... " The Dark Night Of The Soul " ... " Paracelsus, His Mystical And Medical Philosophy " ... " The Phoenix: An Illustrated Review Of Occultism And Philosophy " ... " Magic: A Treatise On Esoteric Ethics " ... " Soul In Egyptian Metaphysics " ... " Koyasan, Sanctuary Of Esoteric Buddhism " ... " Spiritual Centers In Man " ... " The Lord Giveth & Taketh Away " ... " The Western Paradise Of Amitabha " ... " Short Talks On Many Subjects " ... " Four Seasons Of The Spirit & Achieving The Miracle Of Contentment " ... " The Value Of Prayer In Psychological Integration: A Lecture " ... " Psychic Self-Reproach " ..." Wit And Wisdom Of The Immortals " ... " How Belief In Rebirth Enriches Your Life " ... " Secret Of The Untroubled Mind " ... " Adventures In Understanding " ... " Journey In Truth " ... " Melchizedek And The Mystery Of Fire " ... " The Pineal Gland: The Eye Of God " ... " Unseen Forces " ... " Sacred Magic Of The Qabbalah " ... " Lectures On Ancient Philosophy " ... " The Mystical Christ: Religion As A Personal Spiritual Experience " ... " An Alchemist'S Primer: Fundamentals Of Esoteric Transformation " ... " The Bible: The Story Of A Book " ... " Freemasonry Of The Ancient Egyptians " ... " The Initiates Of The Flame " ... " Dream Symbolism " ... " Man: The Grand Symbol Of The Mysteries Essays In Occult Anatomy " ... " The All Seeing Eye 1927 " ... " The Riddle Of The Rosicrucians " ... " Road To Inner Light " ... " Astrology & Reincarnation " ... " The Tarot: An Essay " ... " Very Unusual: The Wonderful World Of Mr. K. Nakamura " ... " Psychic Symbolism Of Headaches, Insomnia, And The Upset Stomach " ... " Apocalypse Attributed To St. John " ... " Healing: The Divine Art " ... " The Guru " ... " Mystics Of Islam " ... " The Little World Of Prs: A Field Tour Of The Philosophical Research Society " ... " Rosicrucian And Masonic Origins " ... " Growing Up With Grandmother " ... " Blind Spot In The Mind: Lectures On Personal Growth " ... " Studies In Character Analysis " ... " Astrological Keywords " ... " America'S Assignment With Destiny: The Adepts In The Western Esoteric Tradition " ... " The Blessed Angels: The Reality Of Things Unseen " ... " Ten Basic Rules For Better Living " ... " Meditation Symbols In Eastern And Western Mysticism " ... " The Spinal Column, World Tree, Kundalini And The Sympathetic Nervous System " ... " Daily Words Of Wisdom " ... " A Vital Concept Of Personal Growth " ... " Is Each Individual Born With A Purpose? " ... " Symbolic Essays " ... " Return Of The Sorcerers: Black Magic In The Modern World " ... " Star Lore Of Babylon " ... " Invisible Records Of Thought & Action: A Practical Guide To Subtle Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects " ... " Right Thinking: The Royal Road To Health " ... " Great Books On Religion & Esoteric Philosophy: With A Bibliography Of Related Material Selected From The Writings Of Manly P. Hall " ... " Death To Rebirth " ... " The Rosicrucians & Magister Christoph Schlegel: Hermetic Roots Of America " ... " Meditation Disciplines And Personal Integration " ... " First Principles Of Philosophy: Metaphysics, Logic, Ethics, Psychology, Epistemology, Esthetics And Theurgy " ... " Story Of Astrology " ... " The Way Of Heaven And Other Fantasies Told In The Manner Of The Chinese " ... " Friendship, Love And Beauty: An Interpretation " ... " From A Philosopher'S Scrapbook " ... " The Quiet Way: A Commentary Upon " ... " Venerated Teachers Of The Jains, Sikhs And Parsis (Adepts In The Eastern Esoteric Tradition) " ... " Initiation Of Plato " ... " How To Understand Your Bible: A Philosopher'S Interpretation Of Obscure And Puzzling Passages " ... " Sermon On The Mount " ... " Inner Lives Of Minerals, Plants & Animals " ... " Positive Uses Of Psychic Energy: A Lecture " ... " The Noble Eightfold Path " ... " Masonic Orders Of Fraternity " ... " The Mystery Of The Holy Spirit " ... " Think On These Things " ... " The Sages Of China (The Adepts: In The Eastern Esoteric Tradition " ... " Zen Of The Bright Virtue " ... " Cabalistic Keys To The Lord'S Prayer " ... " The Light Of The Vedas " ... " The Most Holy Trinosophia Of The Comte De St. Germain " ... " Facing The Future: A New Theory Of Political Representation " ... " The Western Paradise Of Amitabha " ... " Mathematics The Master Science " ... " Pluto In Libra, An Interpretation " ... " Visions & Metaphysical Experiences " ... " Pathways Of Philosophy " ... " Mysticism Of Colonial America " ... " Horizon The Magazine Of Useful And Intelligent Living 1947 To 1948 " ... " Symbolism Of The World Egg And Occult Embryology " ... " The Illumined Mind: The Universal Savior " ... " H.P. Blavatsky And The Secret Doctrine " ... " Codex Rosae Crucis, D.O.M.A. A Rare & Curious Manuscript Of Rosicrucian Interest " ... " The Mysteries Of Asia " ... " Mystics And Mysteries Of Alexandria " ... " Medicine Of The Sun And Moon " ... " The Adepts " ... " Orders Of Universal Reformation " ... " Science And Immortality " ... " The White Bird Of Tao " ... " The Story Of Christmas " ... " The Culture Of The Mind " ... " Emerson'S Concept Of The Oversoul " ... " Psychology Of Religious Ritual " ... " Super Faculties And Their Culture " ... " The Adepts In The Eastern Esoteric Tradition (Part 2) The Arhats Of Buddhism "




From Wikipedia


Manly Palmer Hall (March 18, 1901 – August 29, 1990) was a Canadian-born author, lecturer, astrologer and mystic. He is best known for his 1928 work The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Over his 70 year career, he gave thousands of lectures, including two at Carnegie Hall, and published over 150 volumes. In 1934, he founded The Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles, which he dedicated to the "Truth Seekers of All Time", with a research library, lecture hall and publishing house. Many of his lectures can be found online and his books are still in print.

Early life

Manly P. Hall was born in 1901[1] in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada,[2] to Louise Palmer Hall, a chiropractor and member of the Rosicrucian Fellowship, and William S. Hall, a dentist.[3] The younger Hall said to have never known his father.[4] In 1919, Hall moved from Canada to Los Angeles, California, with his maternal grandmother to reunite with his birth mother, who was living in Santa Monica, and was almost immediately drawn to the arcane world of mysticism, esoteric philosophies, and their underlying principles. Hall delved deeply into "teachings of lost and hidden traditions, the golden verses of Hindu gods, Greek philosophers and Christian mystics, and the spiritual treasures waiting to be found within one's own soul."


Hall took over as preacher of the Church of the People in 1919 as well, at Trinity Auditorium in downtown Los Angeles.[4] Less than a year later, Hall booked his first lecture, and the topic was reincarnation.[4]: 15–18  Hall was ordained a minister in the Church of the People on May 17, 1923, and "a few days later, he was elected permanent pastor of the church."[4]: 28  His first publications consisted of two small pamphlets, "The Breastplate of the High Priest" (1920), and "Wands and Serpents." Between 1921 and 1923 he wrote three books, The Initiates of the Flame published in October 1922, The Ways of the Lonely Ones published in 1922, and The Lost Keys of Freemasonry published in March 1923. Hall did not become a Freemason until 1954, more than thirty years after this book was published.[5]

During the early 1920s, Carolyn Lloyd and her daughter Estelle—members of a family that controlled a valuable oil field in Ventura County, California—began "sending a sizeable portion of their oil income to Hall," who used the money to travel and acquire a substantial personal library of ancient literature.[4]: 38–43  Hall's "first trip around the world to study the lives, customs and religions of countries in Asia and Europe," which commenced December 5, 1923, was paid for by donations from Carolyn Lloyd and her congregation.[4]: 41  During the early 1930s, using money from the Lloyds, "Hall traveled to France and England, where he acquired his most extensive collection of rare books and manuscripts in alchemy and esoteric fields from London auctioneer, Sotheby & Company." Through an agent, due to the depressed economic conditions of the era, Hall was able to buy a substantial number of rare books and manuscripts at reasonable prices. When Caroline Lloyd died in 1946, she bequeathed Hall a house, $15,000 in cash, and "a roughly $10,000 portion of her estate's annual income from shares in the world's largest oil companies for 38 years."[4]: 60 

The Secret Teaching of All Ages

Hall became sufficiently known and respected as a lecturer and interpreter of the writings of the ancients, and the most useful and practical elements of classical idealism, that he successfully appealed, through advertisements and word of mouth, for funds to finance the book that became known as The Secret Teachings of All Ages, whose original cost of publication in 1928 was estimated to be $150,000,[4]: 20–21, 50  although the price of individual copies varied. The full title of the book is An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy: Being an Interpretation of the Secret Teachings concealed within the Rituals, Allegories and Mysteries of all Ages.[6]: vi  According to original subscription agreements on file at the Philosophical Research Society, editions were sold by subscription for $75 on a pre-publication basis, but "the price of this edition after delivery by the printer is understood to be One Hundred Dollars." Under the subscription terms, $15 was due at signing of the agreement, and "the balance of Sixty Dollars in four equal monthly payments each."[7] The H.S. Crocker Company of San Francisco agreed to publish the book "if Hall could secure the interest of book designer John Henry Nash, who once worked as a printer to the Vatican."[4]: 52  Color illustrations were by John Augustus Knapp.

After The Secret Teachings of All Ages was published, Hall "went from being just another earnest young preacher in the City of Angels to becoming an icon of the increasingly influential metaphysical movement sweeping the country in the 1920s. His book challenged assumptions about society's spiritual roots and made people look at them in new ways."[4]: 52  Hall dedicated The Secret Teachings of All Ages to "the proposition that concealed within the emblematic figures, allegories and rituals of the ancients is a secret doctrine concerning the inner mysteries of life, which doctrine has been preserved in toto among a small band of initiated minds."[8]: 20  As one writer put it: "The result was a gorgeous, dreamlike book of mysterious symbols, concise essays and colorful renderings of mythical beasts rising out of the sea, and angelic beings with lions' heads presiding over somber initiation rites in torch-lit temples of ancestral civilizations that had mastered latent powers beyond the reach of modern man."[4]: 50 

In 1988, Hall himself wrote: "The greatest knowledge of all time should be available to the twentieth century not only in the one shilling editions of the Bohn Library in small type and shabby binding, but in a book that would be a monument, not merely a coffin. John Henry Nash agreed with me."[9]: 4 

Further publications and lectures

The major books which followed include The Dionysian Artificers (1936), Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians (1937), and Masonic Orders of Fraternity (1950). In his over 70-year career, Hall delivered approximately 8,000 lectures in the United States and abroad, authored over 150 books and essays, and wrote countless magazine articles. He appears in the introduction to the 1938 film When Were You Born, a murder mystery that uses astrology as a key plot point. Hall wrote the original story for the film (screenplay by Anthony Coldeway) and is also credited as the narrator.


Ticket for Manly P. Hall at Carnegie Hall, Dec. 2, 1942

In 1942, Hall spoke to an attendance-setting audience at Carnegie Hall, on "The Secret Destiny of America," which later became a book of the same title. In that book, through a series of stories, he alleged a secret order of philosophers had created the idea of America as a country for religious freedom and self-governance.[10][11] In one of the stories that Hall cites as evidence of America's exceptionalism, he claims that an angel was present at the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and inspiring them with God's words.[11] President Ronald Reagan is reported to have adopted ideas and phrasing from The Secret Destiny of America (1944) in his speeches and essays for his allegorical use of the City upon a Hill.[10][11]

Hall returned in 1945 for another well-attended lecture at Carnegie Hall, titled: "Plato's Prophecy of Worldwide Democracy."[12]

Personal life

Hall and his followers went to extreme lengths to keep any gossip or information that could tarnish his image from being publicized, and little is known about his first marriage, on April 28, 1930, to Fay B. deRavenne, then 28, who had been his secretary during the preceding five years. The marriage was not a happy one; his friends never discussed it, and Hall removed virtually all information about her from his papers following her suicide on February 22, 1941.[4]: 55, 97  Following a long friendship, on December 5, 1950, Hall married Marie Schweikert Bauer (following her divorce from George Bauer), and the marriage though stormy was happier than his first.[13] Marie Schweikert Bauer Hall died April 21, 2005.[4]: 120, 127, 133, 278 

In 1934, Hall founded the Philosophical Research Society (PRS) in Los Angeles, California, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization[14] dedicated to the study of religion, mythology, metaphysics, and the occult.[15] The PRS still maintains a research library of over 50,000 volumes,[16] and also sells and publishes metaphysical and spiritual books, mostly those authored by Hall.[17] After his death, some of Manly Hall's rare alchemy books were sold to keep the PRS in operation. "Acquisition of the Manly Palmer Hall Collection in 1995 provided the Getty Research Institute with one of the world's leading collections of alchemy, esoterica, and hermetica."[18][19]

Hall was a Knight Patron of the Masonic Research Group of San Francisco, with which he was associated for a number of years prior to his Masonic affiliations. On June 28, 1954, Hall initiated as a Freemason into Jewel Lodge No. 374, San Francisco (now the United Lodge); passed September 20, 1954; and raised November 22, 1954. He took the Scottish Rite Degrees a year later.[20] He later received his 32° in the Valley of San Francisco AASR (SJ) On December 8, 1973 (47 years after writing The Secret Teachings of All Ages), Hall was recognized as a 33° Mason (the highest honor conferred by the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite) at a ceremony held at the Philosophical Research Society (PRS).


Manly Palmer Hall (March 18, 1901 – August 29, 1990) was a Canadian-born mystic, eclectic philosopher and founder of the Philosophical Research Society, a modern equivalent of the school of Pythagoras.[1] He was the 20th century’s most prolific writer on mysticism, magic, and ancient philosophies. He authored more than 200 books and gave more than 8000 lectures, most of them weekly at the headquarters of the Philosophical Research Institute.

Hall is best known for his 1928 work The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Hall published his magnum opus, an introduction to ancient symbols and secret traditions, at the age of 27, to immediate acclaim. It is the most important book of the early twentieth-century American occult revival and remains influential to this day.[2]

Early life

Manly Hall was born on March 18, 1901 in the rural city of Peterborough, Ontario. His father was a dentist and his mother was a chiropractor. Hall’s parents had separated while his mother was still pregnant with him, and he soon came into the care of his maternal grandmother, Florence Palmer. When he was two years old, she brought him to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where they lived for several years. He was a sickly child, got little schooling but read voraciously on his own. There was a spark of some indefinable brilliance in the youth, which his grandmother nurtured on trips to museums in Chicago and New York.

For a time, the two of them lived in the high-end hotel Palmer House in Chicago where Hall was mostly in the company of grown-ups, including a traditionally garbed Hindu maitre d’hotel, who taught him adult etiquette. Later on, the bookish adolescent was enrolled in a military school.

His grandmother died when he was sixteen and he traveled to California to be with his mother.[3]

Lectures and teaching

Hall’s career as a mystic sage began in 1919, when he came to California to be reunited with his mother. [4] He came under the influence of self-styled followers of Rosicrucianism in Oceanside, California. He lived at the Rosicrucian Fellowship founded by Max Heindel but grew suspicious of the order’s claims to ancient wisdom and soon moved to Los Angeles. There he fell in with metaphysical seekers and discussion groups. [5] One day young Manly Hall was attracted by a sign advertising phrenology, the discipline that reads human psychology through the shape and contours of the skull. The proprietor of the shop, Sydney J. Brownson, quickly became Halls’ guru and explained magnetism, reincarnation, the aura, the wisdom of the ancients, the mysteries of India and the East and the secret teachings of the church to Hall, who proved to be an excellent student with a photographic memory and a talent for speaking. One year later Brownson invited Hall to speak to a select audience who met weekly in a room above a bank and he was a success.[6]

Part showman, part shaman, Hall wore a dark tailored suit and sat mid-stage, his hands resting palms down on the arms of a baronial chair that was bathed in light. He spoke for 1 ½ hours – not a minute longer. Whether his subject was Egyptian initiation ceremonies or mythic water sprites, he concluded abruptly with the same sign-off: “Well, that’s about all for today folks.“[7]

Theosophical Society connections

Hall was influenced by the Theosophical teachings. Joscelyn Godwin wrote:

Apart from a short spell at a military school, he was without formal education. In California he came under the influence of the Theosophical Society. He began his public career in 1920 in Santa Monica, giving a series of lectures on reincarnation. He became a lifelong admirer of H. P. Blavatsky and her Secret Doctrine.[8]

Manly Hall was never a member of the Theosophical Society in America, and possibly never a member of any Theosophical Society. Nonetheless, he was heavily engaged with the TSA and lectured at the Besant Hollywood Lodge, San Francisco, Portland, Chicago, and Oakland. The Theosophical Press distributed [9] and reviewed [10][11]his books, and members studied them in lodge meetings and listened to his lectures on recordings. His Philosophical Research Society also hosted Theosophical lecturers.

Manly Hall was a bit fanatical about anything relating to Helena Petrovna Blavatsky [H.P.B.] He was tremendously earnest about his particular view of Theosophy.[12]He said that the original work of H.P.B. stands more or less unique even within the field of related literature, that her own particular insight makes her works unique, remarkable and valuable. He further said that many of the remarks which she made during her time, which were highly controversial, are now generally accepted and that many of the findings which she reported and which amazed her contemporaries, now belong to our common knowledge.[13]

When Boris de Zirkoff assumed the role as editor of Blavatsky's complete works after World War II, he worked with Hall to publish the fifth volume at the Philosophical Research Society in 1950. Subsequent volumes VI-XV were published through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar, India and Wheaton, Illinois, and the PRS helped with distribution. Boris de Zirkoff conducted a long correspondence with Manly Hall.[14]

The Secret Teachings of All Ages


Hall’s world travels in the early 1920s gave him some degree of proximity to the monuments and philosophies of antiquity. But the materials that finally made it possible for him to complete his book of wisdom were those he discovered in the great Western libraries just opening to widespread public use. Through the influence of benefactors, Hall gained access to some of the rarest manuscripts at the British Museum and while living in New York in the mid-1920s, he found material in the vast beaux arts reading room of the New York Public Library. He amassed a bibliography of nearly one thousand entries.

By mid-1928, having presold subscriptions for almost a thousand copies and printing 1,200 more, he published what would become known as the “Big Book” and it has never gone out of print since. [15] The Secret Teachings of All Ages, funded by a bevy of wealthy supporters was published to immediate acclaim. Hall published other books widely considered classics of occult literature, but the Secret Teachings of All Ages stands head and shoulders above the rest. It is the most important book of the early twentieth-century American occult revival, it remains influential, and many of the teachings and ideas it presented to the public remain in circulation. [16][17]

The book is magnificently illustrated with 54 original full-color plates of ancient and medieval emblems and figures by noted illustrator J. Augustus Knapp and 200 black-white illustrations borrowed from rare occult works. The instant success of the book catapulted Hall into the national spotlight. [18]It was the only serious, comprehensive codex of its era that took the world of myth and symbol on its own terms. Hall peered into sources that many historians refused to consider – from Masonic and Rosicrucian tracts to alchemical and astrological works – and recent scholarship has justified some of his historic conclusions. While The Secret Teachings of All Ages has always been ignored within academia, it influenced some who chose more traditional scholarly paths than Hall’s. He clarified ancient ideas that could otherwise seem beyond reach, writing not as a distant judge but as a lover of the rites and mysteries embodied in the old ways.[19]

Philosophical Research Society (PRS)

It upset Hall that esoteric and occult teachings had no place in American universities and he decided to establish a spiritual center in Los Angeles of his own design and purpose with the mission to teach the “practical idealism” preserved in over 100,000 of the wonder-texts of antiquity, develop programs for the good of society, and excite his students' desire to put them to work in everyday life.

On November 20, 1934, Hall’s nonprofit Philosophical Research Society bought a prime piece of real estate overlooking Los Feliz Boulevard and the hills leading to Griffith Park from Capitol Holding Company. On October 17, 1935, about 100 people assembled to break ground for their new headquarters.[20]

PRS provided a cloistered setting where Hall spent the rest of his life teaching, writing, and assembling a remarkable collection of antique texts and devotional objects. His small campus eventually grew to include a fifty-thousand-volume library, a three-hundred-seat auditorium, a bookstore, a warehouse, an office, and a courtyard. It became one of the most popular destinations in Los Angeles for the spiritually curious.

After Hall’s death the campus barely survived simultaneous legal battles – one with Hall’s widow, who claimed it owed her money, and another with the eccentric con artist Fritz, who had befriended the ailing octogenarian to pilfer his antiques and assets in the estimation of a civil-court judge. Hall had signed over his estate to this shadowy “trustee”” just six days before his passing.[21]

The financial damage from these difficult years was irreversible. Following a protracted court battle the nonprofit organization faced a $2 million legal debt, but the control was turned over to a group of longtime supporters. They were forced to sell of many cherished items to the Getty Museum in Los Angeles and European collectors.[22]

The PRS did regain fiscal health beginning in 1993 and continued to print different editions of the “Great Book.” [23] PRS now offers a full calendar of lectures, online courses, workshops, wellness classes, concerts, and special events to the general public.[24]

A Private World

Hall wrote scores of books, pamphlets and articles, and gave numerous lectures, typically without notes. Yet, for all his output, Hall remained a riddle to those around him. Following his Sunday morning lectures at PRS, he would promptly exit the auditorium from a side door, enter a car, and be driven back to his nearby house.

Unlike many spiritual teachers who flocked to Hollywood, Hall showed relatively little interest in attracting publicity or hobnobbing with movie stars and he rarely involved himself in movie business. [25]Over the years, however, Hall had many devotees and these included actors and actresses such as Bela Lugosi, Glenn Ford, Burl Ives [a Theosophist], and Gloria Swanson; Hollywood bigwigs such as Sid Grauman, Cecil B. DeMille, and Samuel Goldwyn; scientists such as Luther Burbank, other notables such as Elvis Presley and the astronaut and founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) Edgar Mitchell, as well as politicians such as Harry S. Truman and Ronald Reagan.[26] [27]

Hall was married in 1930 to his secretary Fay B. Ravenne, an attractive astrologer from Texas. The marriage soon proved to be difficult because Fay was subject to several illnesses and she resented her husband’s growing fame and success. Hall himself suffered from numerous ailments, and overate as his only relief from the misery of married life. Fay retreated deeper into depression and committed suicide in 1941, gassing herself in her car. Hall was devastated but after a short period of mourning he purged all records of Fay from his files and never mentioned her again.

His second wife was Marie Bauer, a petite German immigrant and mother of two. She was sure that Sir Francis Bacon had traveled to America and while there buried a vault with a fortune of gold beneath a church tower in Williamsburg, Virginia. She was convinced that God had chosen her to uncover this vault and her passion proved powerful enough to convince authorities to permit her to dig up the vault, but nothing was found. Marie didn’t give up and her obsession with Bacon’s vault continued for the rest of her life. She had frequent hallucinations, fits of violence, grandiose claims and was at least occasionally psychotic.[28]

The Mystic in Decline

By the late 1970s, sickness had become a way of life for Hall, who was nearing 80. His gall bladder problems had gotten so bad that he stopped lecturing outside of Los Angeles; the organ was removed in 1972. His thyroid glands had been removed when he was young, which might have contributed to his obesity. His eyesight was so poor that he could barely get through the daily mail. His joints ached with arthritis. His days were spent visiting one doctor after another, and stocking his shelves with prescriptions and supplements.[29][30]

In the late 1980s, Hall appeared to lose his personal judgment. He turned over all of his household and business affairs, and even his and PRS’s financial assets, to a self-professed shamanic healer and supposed reincarnate from Atlantis named Daniel Fritz. Hall disregarded anyone who questioned the relationship.

Ill and dangerously overweight in his final years, Hall had apparently bought into Fritz’ claims as a mystical healer and his promise to spread Hall’s work across the world. Hall did drop weight through diet and exercise, and Fritz administered regularly colonics. Hall signed his estate over to Fritz less than a week before his death.[31]The circumstances of Hall’s death were more than suspicious. An autopsy revealed several bruises, smudges of soil, and evidence of trauma, and some called it murder. [32][33] There were charges but they were never pursued and after Fritz’ death in 2001 and his son’s passing in 2003 the file was closed. [34]

Manly P. Hall died on August 29, 1990. A Masonic memorial service dedicated to “The Illustrious Manly Palmer Hall, 33 degree, Grand Cross of Honor, was held on September 23rd, 1990.[35]



Manly P. Hall was 6 foot 4 tall and had blue-grey eyes. He was charismatic, arrogant, humorous, and scholarly.[36] He saw himself not as a scholar, who seeks knowledge for its own sake and the satisfaction of his own mind, but as a teacher who learns in order to bestow his students with knowledge and insights. He deeply believed in the value of the testimonies of Plato, Buddha, St. Paul, and the pagan martyr Hypatia as medicine for the dark side of scientific progress and materialism: pollution, congestion, crime, selfishness, stress, and steady erosion of ethical and moral standards.[37] He gathered many acolytes and received millions of donations, much of it from a mother and daughter belonging to the Lloyd family, an oil dynasty of Ventura County.[38]

However there was a glaring dissonance between Halls’ public image and his private reality. He delegated his business affairs to amateurs and took many of his medical problems to healers with questionable credentials. Although he did not have a university degree, he did not correct those who addressed him as Dr. Hall. He advised against trying to develop occult powers yet dazzled starry-eyed followers with demonstrations of his alleged mind reading and predictions of future events.[39] For much of his life he binged on cheap sweets, avoided physical activity, and cultivated relationships with followers by telling them, for example, that they had been close friends in a past life.[40]

For all his emphasis on the practicality of ancient wisdom, Hall’s life in some respect, was a case in point of a truth not found in his writings. A person can accumulate the “wisdom of the ages” with none of it penetrating one’s self. That perplexity of human nature, a puzzle at the heart of all ethical philosophies, seems never to have occurred to him. [41]

None of this should not overshadow the significance of his early masterwork. The Secret Teachings of all Ages remains an indisputable classic and the PRS remains a vital center for metaphysical investigation and has received academic accreditation.[42]