Pictures are of actual items you will receive. Please see pictures for condition.  These are sold as is and are untested, except Mario kart and The legend of Zelda Four Swords.  System is not included.

Aggravation Scrabble Junior Sorry, American idol, ANTZ, Arctic tail, Barbie horse adventures, cartoon Network speedway, centipede breakout warlords, Cheetah girls, DOGZ, DOGZ fashion, Dora superstar adventures, ET, final round golf 2002, finding Nemo, Happy feet, I spy Challenger, kids cards, Kong 8th Wonder of the world, legend of Zelda four swords, Lego Star wars, Lilo & stitch 2, Lizzie McGuire to, Eminem blast, Madden 2003, Mario kart Super circuit, meet the Robinsons, monsters Inc, Miss Pac-Man, namco museum, Pac-Man collection, pirates of the Caribbean, pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's chest, pocket dogs, the polar Express, shark tale, Shrek 2, Shrek 2 beg for Mercy, spirit, SpongeBob revenge of the flying Dutchman, tiger woods PGA tour golf.