So we run a "clean out" service and we are hired to clear out houses that are going up for sale. And so often we see so many great things get thrown away that we decided to at least try to salvage some of it. See if someone out there wants these things. We are just starting out with listing things so it's going to take a bit to get acclimated to doing this.

So this is an older vintage Audion Electric Chord organ. All of that info I pulled from looking at it - haven't really found a whole lot else on this specific model. Hopefully someone in the know will be able to see and appreciate what it is. And if anyone has more info about it and wants to share - please let me know and I will post it.

We tested it and it works - powers up and plays notes and chords. The keys work and when I press the buttons on the left side they create chords. But I don't know how to use it properly so I was just fumbling about - sounded really cool though! And I love that huge red power button on the front. And it's in pretty good shape for it's age - obviously has some wear and tear but on the whole it looks really good.

Look closely at the pics so you know exactly what it is and what shape it's in. And please let me know if there are specific things you want me to look at or test or photograph. As I said - we are no experts on these - we are just finding these random things during our jobs and we are trying to salvage instead of wasting them. But I will send whatever info I can.

Obviously shipping this will cost a bit but we can figure out the best way to do that if someone is interested. And we can do local pick up as well.