Ok - got another one for all you techie fans out there - it's an unopened pack of 10 3.5" Floppies from BASF. And they are double sided so you could save.....drum roll please....a whopping 2.88 MB. On each floppy! Back then that was amazing - now that's your grocery list. Or a word document. But I grew up when these were used everywhere - but they were on their way out. Writable discs were coming in as well as flash drives. Which quickly made these obsolete. I remember when Apple released one of their new computers and it did not have a floppy drive - only CD/DVD and flash drive inserts. People freaked out at first - they couldn't understand how a computer couldn't have a 3.5 floppy drive.

Just to ramble a bit more - when I was in college one of the classes I took was PC hardware and Operating Systems. I remember for the final our professor gave us a box of parts and told us to build a computer and install Windows on it. And the install of Windows was literally a stack of like 20 3.5 disks. You would run one - then it would stop and prompt you to insert the next disk. And so on. Took forever.

Anyway - these are fun, thought someone might like them for a collection. It's an unopened box of 10 BASF Double Density 3.5" floppy disks. It's in good shape - some wear and tear from age and the box isn't perfectly crisp anymore. But it's sealed - never been opened. Heck - might even be fun to use them as coasters for a party. That would actually be really cool. Or just mount them in a collection.

Please look closely at the pics and let me know if there are specific things you want me to look at or take pics of. We will provide whatever we can.

Couple of FYI & CYA notes - we are offering more shipping options for things that might be more fragile and need to be handled better to ensure their safety. Obviously a bit more cost for better service from the PO - but we will leave that up to the person who purchases. And if someone wants even more specialized shipping let us know and we will work out the details/cost with you.

Also - since a lot of these items are older and some are difficult to determine their origin - we can't be responsible for anything after a person has received their purchase. Obviously we will honor everything up to that point - we want you to get what is in the auction - customer comes first. But once it reaches you in the same condition we sent it in - then we have to rely on the buyer to assume responsibility of the item from that point onward.