Fans of the AT&T Bell System and vintage telecommunications can celebrate their passion with this one of a kind telecommunications production. The Cooper West Virginia tower is largely hidden from view, just off of route I-70 in West Virginia. Besides this, the tower is largely as it would have been in the 1980's when the site was last active. 

I am offering this original production piece in two form factors....

Form Factor #1 is a high gloss metallic photo paper print. I only print in this medium because while it costs a little more than traditional high gloss, the metallic nature allows a picture's colors and lighting to "speak" ...

Form Factor #2 is aluminum sheet prints. This has become my absolute favorite way to print photography. I have several pieces I have printed on metal in the last few years and every one of them has turned out spectacular. Prints under this formfactor not only WILL last a lifetime, but they are also centerpiece quality. They are sure to be commended and enjoyed for years to come.

As I am the artist here, there will be an artist signature. Each one will also be numerically assigned in order of purchase.

Shipping is free as well on all orders.