This is a pretty rare set of ho action lit cars from train tronics. It includes an Eko Plymouth suburban wagon and a eko desoto sedan, light and fiber optic cable.

Action lit automobiles instructions

• Take a automobile and use either a No. 74 drill bit or a hot needle (hole should be only large enough to accomo-date the fiber optic) and bore six (6) holes in the correct position for headlights, turn signals and tail lights. Drill or cut ¼" hole in center of the floor board, and smooth the edges. Cut the fiber optics in 12" lengths, making large lens for the headlights and smaller lenses for the other lights.

How to make the lens on fiber optics: Ignite a match and hold horizontally. Take a strand of optics and hold vertically beneath the flame. Bring optic just close enough to flame so that a bead is formed. Size of the bead is determined by how close the optic is to the flame.

Optics used for tail lights and turn signals can be colored by using a red or yellow marker pen or colored ink.

Push unlensed end of optic through appropriate light hole, then thread through ¼"' hole in floor board. Place a small drop of ACC glue ¼"' behind lens then pull snug. Lens opposite end of fiber optic and color to match. Select front turn (right or left) signal and corresponding tail light and bundle together 1" from end with masking tape. Bundle remaining optics in same manner.

Set cars aside, drill ¼" hole in layout location, mount the two sockets together under the table between the two auto location holes. Note: Drill holes for "Action-Lit" automobiles so optics will reach the sockets. Put optics through hole in layout, position bundles of two optics at the end of the blinking bulb, securing them in position with the enclosed clamp. (Clamp over the masking tape). Take remaining bundles and place at the end of the remaining bulb and secure in the same manner.

WIRING: Wire the two sockets in parallel and attach to 12 to18 volts ac/dc