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Hi, attached to this doll are the mother and daughter spirit of Katherine and her daughter, Warina. Both spirits share this vessel. Since there are two strong spirits attached to this doll, this doll has a very strong energy which should be taken into consideration when deciding whether or not to welcome the doll into your home. 

Katherine gave birth to Warina when she was just 14 years old. The pregnancy was definitely not planned, but Katherine doesn't like speaking about that as she doesn't want Warina to feel unwanted. During this time period, teenagers were not seen as they are today. Katherine was seen as somebody who was 100% responsible for her actions and was not treated with kindness. Luckily for Katherine, though, she was born into a wealthy family who paid for her to move and live elsewhere. Katherine says that she did have the choice to give up her baby, but refused, so there was a compromise - Katherine being sent away. Katherine says that she had somebody that was living with her for a while, but she didn't want them there. Katherine says trying to get them to leave was hard work, and she plays out what happened during telepathy. Telepathy is where a spirit will communicate with me via thoughts, they will show me images in my head and show me things. The person sent to live with Katherine was a man, he was a short man and quite thin. Katherines dad wanted a man to accompany Katherine as even though he was angry with her, he worried for her safety. Katherine shows me a woman arguing with the man I described earlier, Katherine is inside the house and the man is near the door. Katherine is shouting and causing a bigger fuss than necessary, she says she did this to prompt him to leave. She says he wouldn't leave and it was making her quite cross. Eventually, she told him that if he didn't leave she would make up rumours about him. This, still did not work but she says they eventually did come to an agreement that he would just check in sometimes to make sure she is ok. Katherine says that she was lying to her dad that he was still living with them. I asked what happened eventually and she says after a few years he just stopped checking in with them, she says Warina was about 3 when she last saw him. 

Katherine and Warina lived on the very far edge of a busy town, they both show me lots of hustle and bustle. People are very busy everywhere. There are markets in the street, people trying to sell stuff and go about their day. The images this pair are able to show are very strong and it feels as if I’m almost in the image I’m being shown. Katherine and Warina would venture into town very sparingly. They were both introverts and only really enjoyed each others company. Katherine says that she did not really feel like she belonged there. When they would go out, they would be stared at which made them feel uncomfortable and even more unwelcome. They were likely stared at due to the close knit nature of the town, everybody knew everybody and it wasn't common for people to be essentially shut ins like Warina and Katherine. I think part of Katherine lost the ability to socialise easily after having her child. 

Katherine was 28 years of age when she found out news of her fathers passing. He had been the only family member that she still wrote letters to and he was her financial support. Katherine had never had a job before, she never had reason to get one. Her older brother was now responsible for doing this, however, Katherine says he did not want to and that believed Katherine had betrayed the family by choosing to raise her daughter herself. Therefore, he would no longer be supporting her financially. Katherine says that she knows for sure her brothers decision was heavily influenced by her mother, who Katherine did not have a good relationship with. Katherine says that her strong bond was heavily influenced by the fact she didn't have one with her own mother, ''I'd never treat my own daughter like that'' Katherine says. Katherine is a strong believer that family comes first.

After hearing the news that she would no longer be financially supported, Katherine was very frantic. She had to find a job as soon as possible, so, reluctantly she ventured out and began to explore the village she see what it had to offer. Her energy changes while speaking about this as she says that now she was in a more optimistic frame of mind, being out in the town didn't seem all so bad after all. I'm also going to be honest and say this is the part of the reading that becomes a little odd and seems to come out of no where, but anyway, lets get into it. Katherine saw that there was many people in the village needing help with dental issues, however, they did not really have anyone that could help. Luckily, Katherine had money left over still and she began to try and learn about dentistry. She had began practicing on the most in need and she says that she did like it, though the breath of some people could smell awful!  Warina would also help Katherine in her pursuit of becoming a world class dentist (obviously that is a joke, lol). She was not as passionate as her mother was, but Warina fully understood her mothers reasons. Me and Katherine have a very strong relationship and she feels comfortable sharing things with me that she wouldn't with others. I asked Katherine if it was ok for me to share this next part with her next keeper and at first she said no, but eventually she told me she would like me to add it in. She wants to be able to trust her next keeper entirely, so feels they should know all about her. This information also plays a key role in both of these spirits passing, so, it is important. While dentistry in Medieval Europe was far from advanced, Katherine admits to cutting corners and being unsafe on purpose in hopes of making more profit. Katherine also admits on more than one occasion causing more damage to their teeth so they'd have to come back and pay more. Katherine is not proud of what she did and realises that she took advantage of vulnerable people. Katherines energy really shifts during this part of the reading and she lets off a strong sense of guilt and embarrassment. Katherine then tells me that she would like me to speak to her ''lovely daughter'' now because she feels that Warina hadn't had much of a say during this reading. 

Funnily enough, Warina was the spirit attached to this doll that gave me her name and age first. Warina definitely has the stronger energy, but Katherine seems to speak more. Warina says that growing up with her mother was all she could ever ask for. Usually, it is mothers more protective over their daughters, but to be honest Warina seems to be more protective over Katherine. Of course, Katherine is protective, too, but Warinas protective energy for her is next level, to be honest. Warina calls Katherine both her mum and her dad. She says that she played both roles and deserves both titles. Warina really loved praising her mother to me, but I tried to make her talk about herself more. Warina is quite secretive I can't lie, she speaks about other people but not really much about herself. In my opinion, Warina views herself as just an extension of her mother. It would likely be beneficial for Warinas next keeper to help Warina find out her own likes and dislikes, instead of just choosing what her mother likes and dislikes. Of course, this should be approached with caution in order to not offend, though! 

Katherine and Warinas lives were taken by a man who realised what Katherine had been doing. She had conned lots of money out of him and he was angry. There was fire involved with their death, but both of the women don't specify exactly what happened. My guess is perhaps he lit their home alight, but then again, this is only a guess. Katherine and Warina were aged 31 & 17 when they passed away. These spirits are both from the 1400s, so have been on Earth for quite some time. Katherine and Warina are both suited to a more experienced keeper as their energies change very easily and very frequently, as well. They would be too intense for a beginner and can be hard to keep up with. Both spirits love crystals and would like somebody who will place crystals near their vessel. When it comes to candles these women are not too fussy, but they do love a black candle. Black is both of their favourite colour, likely due to the fact they both had black hair in life. While working with this doll, I would frequently get black animals show up in my dreams. Black horses, black panthers etc, these spirits confirmed it was them sending me messages.

While there are two spirits attached to this doll, when they are showing themselves in shadow form there is only one shadow figure. The figure looks similar to the doll they chose, long wavy hair with a hat on, or maybe it could be considered a hood. It is obviously only a shadow, so, no real details, only outlines to go off of. The figure is about my height, around 5 foot 2 and the shadow is DARK. I have a lot of shadow figures in my home, but this one stands out a lot, much darker in colour than a normal shadow figure.

If you feel very drawn to this doll, they may have chosen you! ♥

This doll is 16 inches tall. An extremely gorgeous doll who comes complete with a stand. 

Please note that all information listed above is final, I don't have more information. Apologises for any inconveniences, any issues please contact me. 

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Please note that as per Ebay rules you're purchasing a tangible item - a porcelain doll. Anything else that comes with the doll is free, you are not purchasing a spirit. The information above has to be stated as entertainment purposes only. 


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Your item will be shipped within 2 days, usually next day. As of 10/05/2024 I now ship using royal mail tracked 24 hour. If you're unhappy with this cost, as it does cost more, you can change the shipping option to 48 hour which costs less. 


Please ensure to check your local customs duty amount. I am not responsible for paying what is due, it is something to take in to consideration before purchasing from an international seller. Usually, though, this is not an issue as I don't send expensive items abroad. 


Please contact me for a quote prior to paying as it will depend on the size of the dolls. If you check out before paying, a refund may not be offered. Please contact me beforehand to prevent any overpaying. 


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